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Posts posted by NoCORH4L

  1. Do you guys have a feel one way or another if ice will be safe for fishing this weekend in central NH? Thinking somewhere like Lake Tarleton or Upper Baker Pond, somewhere with a little elevation is the plan. 

    I was up on the new year and there was basically no ice at all. 

  2. 3 minutes ago, WinterWolf said:

    Welcome to SNE 1980style.  But you will beat last years 12”.  I said this in October..we’ll both beat the 12” from last year.  You can bank on that.  I’m at 7.5” on the season..just need 5” more to beat last year.  Low bar obviously, but we’re in for an average year imo. And nothing wrong with that. 

    Except it's not nearly as cold this go around. 

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  3. 14 minutes ago, Spanks45 said:

    I just noticed today that my pool water level is just below the cover...guess I will be out shoveling the mini glacier trying to access it so I can pump some water out before the great flood. I know as some point it is going to get cold enough to freeze and cause damage to the liner....I have had to pump out so much water from that thing since late June...

    When law of averages take over, it is going to drought like Southern Cal.

    It's our new climate regime, unfortunately

  4. 6 minutes ago, Ginx snewx said:

    A basically snowless year thru Jan exploded with many snow events thru March Good blocking and sufficient cold. 

    March snow blows. You can keep it at that point. Everyone says this. 

    • Thanks 1
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  5. 2 minutes ago, ineedsnow said:

    getting darker outside as this next band is moving in.. kind of reminds me of a summer thunderstorm

    Yeah got super dark all of a sudden, rates have picked up a little bit but going to need to do better to get any additional substantial accums

  6. 7 minutes ago, DavisStraight said:

    Makes sense as everyone leaves at different times to get there but once it's over they all leave at the same time, that's why I wanted to spend an extra night wherever I am or I might end up sleeping in my vehicle.

    Gonna be chilly doing that, bring the mummy bag

  7. 25 minutes ago, Damage In Tolland said:

    Despite the GFS being in its own .. a screamer seems just about unavoidable now. I guess we can give the Euro/ EPS another cycle or two to cool .

    Another impact system late Tue into Wed. Strong to damaging winds
      possible along with heavy precipitation.


    How far north do you think the liquid precip screams? Montreal? 

  8. 1 hour ago, mreaves said:

    So what do people do during an eclipse? I get driving to the area that gets longer totality but to experience that you don’t need to be anywhere specific, right? You could just be on some back dirt road or out standing in your yard. It just sounds like there shouldn’t be an issue finding someplace to pull off to the side of the road. I don’t know, maybe I’m underestimating the crowds that will be around?

    Yeah same question I have. I was planning on just pulling into a McDonald's and parking but I'm not sure. 


    If it was summer I'd say some local farmers would just open up their hay field and charge $20 to park for the day, bring the grill and do an eclipse tailgate

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  9. The retention factor is huge, which is why losing December puts a major dent in the winter rating.  Will never be an A, no matter what happens. No one cares about a blue bomb that melts in 2 days in March.  Sure we'll take it, but it's not the same as getting it in DEC. 

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