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Posts posted by Modfan2

  1. 9 hours ago, TauntonBlizzard2013 said:


    Seems like it was grandfathered in without sprinklers. Multiple stories of smoke detectors not working. Lawsuits will be fired up by the end of the week.

     Below is a recap by one of the people staying on the fire side of the inn


    I want to start this by saying, it’s true you never know what you would do in this situation until you’re in it. My biggest fear has always been getting caught in a fire. Unfortunately, that fear became a reality that I’m still trying to wrap my head around.

    All I want to say at this time, is that Paul Bevis quite literally saved my son and I’s lives. We had fallen asleep for a nap before heading out to the water park for the second time today and if it wasn’t for his phone alarm going off to wake us all up for the water park, who knows what would have happened. We woke up to the room full of smoke. The smoke detectors failed to go off and sprinklers failed as well. Paul went to check to see if we could escape the room through the hallway and as soon as he opened the door, the room immediately was englufed in black smoke to the point it was choking us. We ran to the balcony and saw that the room to the left of us and as far down as we could see through the smoke, all of those rooms were on fire as well. The only way to go was right but there were dividers to separate each rooms balcony. I grabbed Kellan and told him he needed to army crawl under each one as far as we could because the fire was spreading our way. We needed more time and more air. So we crawled under about 3 or 4 before we hit a concrete wall instead of a divider; we  couldn’t go any further away from the fire. By this time, a family with a wife, husband and their two boys were with us trying to find a way down. It was too high to jump from the 3rd floor to the ground. Paul Hurled himself over the railing (til my last day I will NEVER understand how he did what he did) and swung himself to the balcony below us which was the main floor of the hotel. He then told me to hand him my son to get him away from the flames, heat and suffocating black smoke. I Handed Kellan to Paul & Paul RAN my son to safety out an emergency exit while the women handed one of her sons to her husband who had done the same as Paul. Meanwhile myself and this women and one of her sons are still trapped trying to fight the smoke. Paul then comes BACK (after fighting through someone trying to stop him from running back into the burning building) and helps this women and husband save their second child. Once the husband got his children to safety, Paul had told me “YOU NEED TO JUMP!” And I froze terrified. Screaming I couldn’t because I wouldn’t make it. I couldn’t angle myself how he had to make it to the second floor balcony. I heard Paul once more and then a fire fighter (who had come to the front of the building on the first floor) and they screamed “YOU NEED TO JUMP NOW”. Right as he said it, there was an insanely loud crashing/exploding sound and I just jumped. Paul managed to grab me BY MY ANKLES and swung me on to the second floor balcony where he was. I knocked out for half a second and woke up to him about to drag me to safety. I came to and my first thing out of my mouth was “WHERE IS KELLAN” and I jumped up. Paul took off down the hall forgetting he had given Kellan to the staff member at the emergency exit prior to running back in. I saw Paul go left towards the exit screaming for Kellan, so I went right to cover more ground looking for him. I made it about one hotel room over before the fire was back in my face and the smoke was making it impossible to see. I turned back to the emergency exits and booked it down the hall running outside screaming “has anyone seen a five year old boy”. By the grace of God, Paul had my son wrapped in his arms..

    I will NEVER be able to repay this man for his heroism and bravery. He saved not only my life and my sons, but another woman’s  children as well. We may have lost everything in that fire, but we did not lose our lives and that is entirely thanks to this man. I don’t know many people who would run back into a burning, collapsing building to save us, but that is EXACTLY what he did. I know he doesn’t want recognition for this, but it’s not every day that you save multiple lives from dying by being trapped in a fire. 

    I know everyone is going to reach out and check in, that is why I wanted to put exactly what happened out there now so I don’t have to explain it over and over. But more than anything, I want everyone to know that my boyfriend is an absolute hero and I would quite literally not be alive to write this had he not acted as quickly as he did. 

    Kellan was treated at the hospital for smoke inhalation. His carbon monoxide was 12 ; normal levels for a kid are between 0-5. Thankfully, he was released a few hours ago after a long night of getting those levels back to where they need to be. Now it’s just fighting the nightmares and the flashes that play as we close our eyes. 


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  2. 2 hours ago, Typhoon Tip said:

    So... there seems the underpinning gripe-memes for the day, no spring snow event? 

    If so... meh. It really had lower odds of actually materializing.  Sure, it's not zero.   I mean..folks will claim they knew that and intellectually, they probably did. But they did not covet that belief.  They latched onto the NAM's NW bias as still plausible on some level, ignoring the bias.  That, and how it was only backed by the GGEM.  Time of year and how models, in general, tend to over cool mid range as a spring error ...  etc.   No hope would have been more apropos. Then, we wait to be pleasantly surprised. 

    It's tough to do that, I know, when folks have evolved a kind of emotional/'joy circuitry' turned on by in particularly, [the anticipation period], prior to a modeled event that features... whatever weather they want. In this case, snow. 

    As an aside, I believe fully it is connected to that same sociological phenomenon covered in the "Social Dilemma" (NETFLIX), ...I think back in 2018. Similar phenomenon.. only here, the stimulation trigger is the models' creating storm cinemas via lucid access with media technology at people's disposal.  The engineers of IOS have come out and admitted the psychotropic entrapment was the goal and how it works(ed).  Fascinating -

    That's all sounds heavily clinical sounding ...maybe even damning, but it's not all that either.  It's really about 'tendencies' to do so

    Personally I'm lucky. I think I experience similar triggers from scoping out heat waves and other summer phenomenon, just the same. 

    Speaking of which... how about the 00z Euro and GFS toward next weekend?  It's -NAO emerging on the eastern limb of the domain region up there.  Which in tandem with a modestly negative PNA ...I'm wondering if as the time nears, these operational runs are positioning the super synoptics more in favor of an eastern warm up - emerging in time.  If the -NAO repositions more W ...the jig is up and we'll go the other way hard probably.  Unlike last Decemeber, the present circumstance would find us influenced by a much weaker Pacific jet coming underneath from the W.  We'd probably end up with troughing/cut-offs in the area.  But if the -NAO stays more easterly limb, then westerlies may correct N over the eastern contenent - it seems to be trending that way.  

    Seems also like we've been dealt reverses like a game.  No sooner does one make model observation of tendency, the next model runs seem to deliberately go out of their way to mock the effort.  

    Don’t worry, when DIT is pulling in 3-5” of cement he’ll say he was knew it was coming all along. 

  3. On 4/13/2022 at 4:11 PM, DavisStraight said:

    A lot of people are selling their houses for crazy prices so have a decent amount of cash to overpay on another house. Just had a conversation this afternoon with a realtor about this very thing, he's never seen people with so much cash to put down and it's all because they got over payed for their current house.

    Doesn’t matter; same down here in S FL. Problem where I am is all people moving south and those moving out of Miami/Dade, Broward counties moving north putting squeeze; I could sell but where am I going?

  4. On 4/7/2022 at 3:57 PM, HIPPYVALLEY said:

    For those of you that like the first generation of heavy metal, it’s a bit more obscure but check out Uriah Heep “Look at Yourself” and “Demons and Wizards”. 
    Also, Nazareth’s “Loud and Proud” and “Hair of the Dog” are also good listens.

    Here are some good new 80’s like bands for @Cold Miserand myself



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  5. 5 hours ago, IowaStorm05 said:

    I wonder what went wrong for the few locations that wound up with an inch. I mean NWS forecast called for 1-3 so it’s not a bust, but so many got so much more snow. Elevation was a thing but not a hard rule, West Hartford is like 150 feet and got hammered. I’m higher than they are and got an inch.

    My thoughts are simply, some pockets of warmer air and less precip intensity. Duh. 

    But why tho?


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