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Posts posted by WidreMann

  1. 1 minute ago, Cold Rain said:

    Only 46 hrs to go.  What could possibly go wrong?

    By the way, QPF is always overdone, temps the day of are always higher, and cold air is always late funneling in.

    So we cut that in half, turn more of it into rain, and assume lower ratios. That gives you about 2-3"? Still not bad, I guess.

  2. Just now, packbacker said:

    Ummmm....it would be Dec 2000 all over again.  But, RAH is like 30-40 miles from 1" so a SE shift and yes it would suck.  That's something that could change day of the storm.

    December 2000 was 1-2 feet across the whole piedmont, all snow. No temp issues. This storm is still only looking like a few inches at best, with some mixing concerns at the beginning. Not a great comparison. Also models are a lot better.

  3. 4 minutes ago, Cold Rain said:

    Widre is the board pessimist when it comes to snow.  New people and Brick don't like that, but he's right to be that way more than he's wrong.  In this case, as long as this thing doesn't get in here too early and get too amped, I'm not worried about temps.  It's a very cold air mass coming in.  Snow is cold and will have no problem piling up with good rates.

    "The BL Temps Suck Guy" -- LOVE IT!


    But seriously, we're gonna fight with them Friday evening. Precip always moves in faster than expected with these set ups, so we're gonna lose some precip to the rain monster.

  4. 1 minute ago, superjames1992 said:

    I wouldn't think surface temps themselves will be an issue, but sneaky warm layers elsewhere could be - 925 mb, 750-800 mb.  It seems these levels are most prone to screwing us over in the South, based on my limited experience.

    The funny thing is that the NAM has 925 and 850 ESPECIALLY cold. It's surface temps that are way warm.

  5. I didn't do it, another mod from another region had to.

    Glad you think the mods here are a joke since you have been virtually protected for a long time because of your seniority. In fact, I have done so a lot because a lot of times I think you are funny as hell. I've actually been one of your biggest fans for a long time, despite getting complaints.

    But The fact is some of your comments were over the line, inappropriate, and offensive. It's one thing to say such things in OT, but those type of comments won't be tolerated on the weather side. Whether you think we are a joke or not is irrelevant, which many would disagree with you btw, I (we) won't tolerate some of the things that went on this thread again. (not just including you either)

    Fair warning widre, keep that type of stuff to OT. Otherwise there won't be any problems...and that goes for everyone else too.

    This thread is kind of OT anyway. I don't see why it should be treated like a weather thread. But the stupid rules are what they are...

  6. Not sure why this thread suddenly turned into this mess, but the next person who posts anything inappropriate and offensive is going to get suspended and those who have already know who you are. I mean seriously, WTF people?

    My apologies to those who were offended, can't speak for weathernc, but i've not been able to be online since I think saturday.

    Why was the picture of my girlfriend deleted?

  7. The more you say on this the smaller you look. You're still at the age where your taste runs to girls. Less chance of embarrassing yourself. Some of us prefer women, for many reasons. There is no reason for you to act like a dick while you wait to grow up.

    I'm currently dating a woman 11 years older than me. Of the five relationships I've had (not counting the short 1, 2 or 3 date things), 3 have been older than me, and two have been just a few years younger than me, and only one of those was immature.

  8. I've seen a picture of weirdman and he's a 98 pound fart of a man that readily admits that he does not have much luck with the opposite sex. Like most social outcasts, he finds that the internet is really the only way he can interact with society with any revelance. These are the type of people that usually end up living in their mothers basement when they're 35 wondering what's wrong with them. They usually follow the grade school mentality of putting down others in a futile attempt build themselves up. In every species of the animal kingdom you'll find that there is a certain percentage that didn't mentally develop to was is the acceptable norm. We just have to put up with people like him ,realizing it's not their fault and that with the advent of social media outlets they will be more visible than in the past .

    I weigh 160, I live on my own, with a job where I'm in charge of everything and I'm in the 5th relationship of my life, which doesn't include the variety of minor relationships and first dates I've gone on in the past several years. So your analysis is spot off, but thanks for playing!

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