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mattie g

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Posts posted by mattie g

  1. 17 minutes ago, mappy said:

    BCPS just cancelled some activities for today. No outside field trips, or recess. Will make a call later about after school stuff. 

    Fairfax County just cancelled all on-premise outdoor activities for the day.

    This is interesting and all, but it's already gotten old.

  2. 8 minutes ago, Terpeast said:

    AQI stuck at 170-175 all morning through noon

    Do you have a good site to monitor (nearly) real-time AQI? AirNow.gov seems decent, but it appears to only refresh once an hour and I'd love something that refreshes a little more often.

  3. 4 minutes ago, H2O said:

    We have an ice truck coming today so closing the pool would kinda suck.  Kids come first tho.  Closing for smoke at least is more valid than when our guards close for fake storms thats just airplanes taking off

    The worst. For us it's if there's a train that goes by when there are some clouds in the sky. That HAD to have been thunder!

    Funny thing is that when there's a meet it's often the other way around :whistle:

  4. Just now, H2O said:

    Waiting to see if our pool opens but found out the swim team is optional for practice later.

    We're telling everyone practice is optional (which it kind of is every day :lol:).

    Our pool management company tends to the cautious side on this kind of stuff - I just hope they don't make an uninformed decision to close.

  5. Lots of teams are cancelling swim practice (and at least one pool just decided to close for the day).

    Looks like it'll clear up a bit after school lets out, so we're planning to make a call at about 3:00. Figure we'll plan for light practices anyway, even if it does clear up.

    • Like 2
  6. 15 minutes ago, H2O said:

    This is when I'm glad to be retired and not have to be out working in this.  A day breathing in this crap all day and it will be like if I crushed 2 packs of Pall Malls.


    Only side benefit from this is the cool air.  Usually the bad AQ days are when we are expected to get to the 90s-100s

    I had to come into the city today, and I kept thinking that if I opened the window I would immediately start sweating since it looked like it should have been 85 and humid at 7:00 am.

    Definitely reminded me of growing up in the 80s and walking out of the house and into a hazy soup *every morning* in the summertime.

    • Like 4
  7. 4 hours ago, Its a Breeze said:


    Agreed though that they could have just said the first 5 months. 156 is because months aren't uniformly 30 or 31 days...

    I'm going to keep fighting this fight. :lol:

    He said 1/1 to 6/5, so it wasn't really a "first five months" thing.

    2 hours ago, MN Transplant said:

    At this time of year, the average precip at BWI is 0.14", so I'm sure Tom T was just waiting for the day where we finally fell behind.  If he phrased the Tweet as simply year-to-date instead of a particular number of days, it wouldn't have seemed as arbitrary.

    Completely agreed!

  8. 2 hours ago, MN Transplant said:

    You have too much invested in being anti-drought. ;)  

    The fact that it is the driest year to date at any point into the growing season is very notable.

    Agreed, but that's just a dumb stat. No?

  9. 13 hours ago, mattie g said:

    No smoke down this-a-way that I could notice this evening. Impressive reports though!

    Adding to the discussion...yeah, *really* smokey this morning in Fairfax County.

    Agreed on wondering if the filtered sun will result in lower temps than forecast.

  10. 1 hour ago, WxUSAF said:

    Baltimore YTD driest on record 



    A record for the first 156 days of the year?

    That's like some random baseball statistic about how well a left-handed pitcher throws against righties in the second game of a three-game series with two outs in the seventh inning and a man on first base.

    • Haha 2
  11. The vegetable garden is as healthy looking as I've had at this point. Already lots of small cherry tomatoes popping, with one Pomodoro Squisito forming and others close behind (and lots of flowers on my other plants). Jalapenos haven't minded the realtively cooler conditions at all. Garlic looks super healthy, lettuce and mache have gone bonkers (cooler weather definitely helps), and I should be finally harvesting broccoli in a week or two.

    I've probably watered an average of once every four days over the last month. I'd prefer not to have to water, but with a garden my size its not terribly difficult or time-consuming; plus, I try to recycle as much water as I can (pond cleaning, kids playing, etc.) so that I don't feel it's being wasted.

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  12. On 6/2/2023 at 8:18 AM, SnowenOutThere said:

    Weak, its not even as cold as it was last year. 

    Not sure if you're serious, but I'm pretty sure it was quite a bit warmer last year during early-season practices, especially overnight. Temps in the 40s and 50s will cool a pool pretty quickly, especially if the air temps aren't getting at least well into the 70s with sun regularly.

    The kids (we're talking 8&Us here) were miserable. Blue lips, teeth chattering, shivering. It's one thing if you're in the sun and able to warm up a touch, but these kids are in a pool that's almost completely shaded by 5:30 pm, with water temps that couldn't have been higher than 67 or so and air temps at about 72 with a breeze. It was just too much for them.

    If we were talking 13-18s, then screw them - they can handle it!

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