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Posts posted by Stormfly

  1. We have them along with box elders.  At least the stink bug invasion has abated.  In 2012 it peaked and made brood X look like firefly season!  After treating the ridges and soffit vents in the fall we were sweeping them off the patio and deck and had several 5 gallon pails FULL of them.  And the stench.  Before Sandy (10/26) I groomed the yard around the house with the zero turn and the release of stink bug scent was watering my eyes and burning my throat like I was pepper sprayed.  That was utterly ridiculous.  The rain and wind from Sandy helped immensely with the removal which was a good thing as I had lots of tree cleanup work and that would have sucked to been breathing that crap.

    • Sad 1
  2. It's up there, a bit hotter than yesterday but humidity is lower so it's a wash.

    Was throwing the frisbee with the pup a bit ago and it's hot, really hot in the direct sun.

    This is the only place that can literally waste this kind of sultry mess and go to fall with 40DPs with nary a shower!  In the Midwest those swings tend to rearrange yards and patios, sometimes remodel the garage too! ;)

  3. JMHO but take it from someone that has email  from the early 80s. ;)

    You have to have thick skin.  That's what I like about the internet.  I'm in control of what I want to see/read, et al. Unlike TV or radio where my only option is to change channels.  The whole linear vs. random thing.  Ignore features are OK but I choose to use a mental ignore just like I NEVER soley depend on firearm's safety.  Just don't play that way.

    People are cruel and most trolls thrive off reactions of others.  Just like your favorite bus stop or park bench.  If you don't want to sit in pigeon shit, don't feed the winged rats! :P

  4. 8 hours ago, H2O said:

    11 yr old Sorento. Was fine the first 8 years but in the last 3 I’ve done:

    2 intake manifold runners($1100 ea), alternator($800), tires cause alignment goes to hell fast and eats up my wheels and now I had a transmission fluid temp sensor go off. 

    Yes definitely EOL. ;)

  5. 57 minutes ago, mattie g said:

    That is insanely early. Lots of kids down south have been back for a week. Just crazy.

    Don't they all follow a 180 school day calendar though?

    They just get out in May instead of June.

    I remember always starting school after Labor Day.  And if we had a bad winter sometimes going well into the second week of June.  Which made little sense because those "make up days" were spent scrubbing desks with Spic 'N Span or Comet and/or watching movies.  I remember that well, I was the "nerdy" guy running the 16mm Eiki. ;)

  6. A queen cicada killer wasp landed near a stump this AM.  She was huge and had her kill in her clutches...a white bellied annual cicada that was quite large.  The male cicada killers are found buzzing/scouting around and are all buzz (no sting) but NEVER harass the queen to the point where she comes after you! ;)

    • Sad 1
  7. 7 hours ago, mappy said:

    Bummer. Mine just kill wildlife :lol:

    My Jack Russells were far better killers than any of the cats.  I had a Siberian Husky that was a super ratter.  She would dig down DEEP to get them, overturn wheel barrows, you name it!

    I have one cat (all three are rescues) that climbs up trees to go for bird nests.   He's a strange one as he'll climb back down or if scared jump and grab on limbs on the way down!  All my cats are indoor cats but he gets out sometimes and returns when he's had enough.  (Usually within 2 hours, far sooner if a storm sneaks up, thunder freaks him out LOL.)

    The BC/Lab mix has lots of BC.  Definitely got your hands full there!

    Last time Orioles won the series was 1983, the golden Earl Weaver years when Oriole Magic meant something.  Rick Dempsy, Eddie Murray, Lee May, and who was it Dan Ford that hit a homer in the parking lot?  Haven't been following baseball for decades but I remember the National Bohemian sign with those xenon strobes that would fire when the O's got a homer.  The Memorial Stadium days RIP.

  8. Dog days indeed!

    Mornings here the fields are wet like it rained slightly.  Take the pup out for a run (Border Collies have infinite AM energy like forget solar and wind just get a platoon of 'em running on a treadmill!), chasing his nerf frisbee.  A few tumbles here and there, he's ready to come in.  And (of course) he tears through the house chasing cats like a real life Tom and Jerry cartoon.  Heads right for the bed, jumps up and tumble rolls all over the comforter.  Now it REALLY smells like DOG DAYS!

    Rinse, wash repeat.  (literally)

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