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Posts posted by Stormfly

  1. 2 hours ago, Jeff B said:

    Didn’t take it that way at all, MG. All good.

    EJ, thanks for the heads-up on the Tempest. I didn’t know that about our station. Any suggestions on how to adjust rain totals given its bias during those type of events?

    Contact them, open a ticket with the subject rain gauge accuracy.  They will ask for some information so you can provide readings from a colocated gauge.  I did this over the summer during numerous events and the accuracy has improved from laughable to believable. ;)

  2. 1.58" event total.   A bit heavy at times but a decent soaker for prep for this weekend's bonfires! :)

    Wind is fine, let's bring down more leaves, like to get leaf season wrapped up by the first week of November.  We could use some wind, it's been far too calm too long.

    • Like 1
  3. 23 hours ago, psuhoffman said:


    If this was the Joker's Wild where you spin until you either hit $1k and win or get a devil and lose it all...

    Some years it would be the first spin and THREE DEVILS would come up!  Jackpot of fail! 2011-2012 comes to mind...

  4. 16 hours ago, WxUSAF said:

    Dump them in the woods, don’t trash them! 

    We a few pin oaks and this time of the year the squirrels will toss those acorns down at you!  They sting from 60'!

    Those showers yesterday seemingly came out of nowhere and certainly did dump on us here!  I was in the woods on an ATV and felt a huge drop on my face and thought it was a "gift" from one of our larger feathered friends.  As soon as I emerged from the heavy canopy it was a full fledged downpour.  That was my cue to haul ass back to the shop since I had tools outside!  Guess I need to check radarscope more often.

  5. Bring it on!

    The past few WEEKS now I've been seeing bioluminscent glowing firefly larvae in the grass when I go for a walk around midnight.  A few warm nights and (hopefully) we'll see some fireflies.  If that happens it will be the latest I've seen them.  The current record is October 07, 2018.

    Although fall of 2009 was the absolute best.  Mid September when getting wrapped up with long jobs and losing daylight they were around in numbers like mid June.  Incredible.  And in October we had larvae everywhere even bright enough to be seen when riding ATVs in the trails.

    As long as we don't torch on Thanksgiving.  Those are the worst.  I like the crisp days where we light a fire after everyone's crashed from pigging out on turkey.  Stoke the box real good and open the vents so she roars like a locomotive rattling the pipe and before you know it, temp is 95F on the couch upstairs.  That's if it's in the 30s outside.  Warmer days forget it.

  6. Probability of a white Christmas for our area is like Congress ending a fiscal year with a balanced budget. ;)

    The last blockbuster (Jan 23, 2016) would have been awesome if Jan 22 was Christmas eve.  Waking up Christmas Day truly snowed in would have been pure bliss.  Digging out the day after not so much but if you have the equipment or a person doing that for you not so bad.

    Even better was the B2B storms in 2010.  Storm 1 hits on Christmas Day and storm 2 hits on New Year Day!  That's hard to do in the lake effect snow belt region!

  7. Also if it's not going to be stormy might as well have full sun!  I should be making 70-80kWh daily this time of the year  if that were the case.  Clouds, haze and smoke have cut down production considerably the past 12 months.

    I was considering a 10kW wind turbine and glad I didn't as we aren't getting much wind either.  I wish the stream was closer, that could do 3-4kW easy.

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  8. 3 hours ago, dailylurker said:

    This weather is so boring. I'd be happy with a rainy day at this point. Cloudy, warm and humid for weeks straight in October is kind of a bummer. 

    This is really the most boring weather pattern this past month I can remember!

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  9. 2 hours ago, nw baltimore wx said:

    I’d like to see 20. And I mean degrees. Last year I think I fell below 20 three times. And the lowest was 18 or 19.

    eta  I just looked up BWI and they fell below 20 on two mornings last winter. 19 degrees on both 1/30 and 2/21.

    Man, last year sucked.

    With the hikes in fuel prices (heating) methinks a winter like that is better for the wallet. ;)

  10. 1 hour ago, H2O said:

    Aruba sees more severe weather than we do. But we are more tropical. :wacko:

    I remember being there in November and recording dewpoints close to 90F!  A strong thunderstorm ended, sun came out and roads were steaming everywhere. Walking outdoors glasses steamed immediately.  Extremely oppressive heat to say the least.  I've experienced dry heat and Aruba and needless to say the latter was worse by far.  Like make you choke and die bad!


  11. I don't know if I've ever recalled hearing dusk singers (annual cicada) singing this late in the season but I'm sitting next to my patio door listening to them!

    I know last year I heard a single katydid singing on the 8th of November last year and it was warm.

    Taking my dog out for his late evening stroll (around midnight LOL) I've been seeing pinpoint lights of bioluminescent glow from firefly larvae.  This year is one of the infrequent "second season" of fireflies.  2009 was crazy as I remember mid to late September seeing them in quite high numbers when venturing out on the ATV trails.

  12. 8 hours ago, Jebman said:

    If you set and grip the dice correctly - Mid Atlantic will get shellacked right into an Ice Age.

    Probably save over $20 in tolls and gas driving from Bush River to Cape Charles, straight down the Bay.  And what a view! :D

  13. 20 hours ago, MN Transplant said:

    Sam is now the #1 ACE system in the 2021 Atlantic season

    You got that right.  Thank goodness for that track.  Bermuda is quite hardened against storms but this would be far worse than Fabian!  And if this steamed NW towards Delmarva, well it would be quite serious easily the worst tropical for this area for most of us in our lifetimes.

  14. Ok with me.  2009 had a nice fall mud season.  And by December the ground was hard as a rock!

    Now if what happened on the night of Jan 22, 2016 was happening on December 24, 2021 it wouldn't be just a jackpot but the Mega Millions jackpot of a billion plus!

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