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Torch Tiger

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Everything posted by Torch Tiger

  1. many hilltops gusted 100+ I bet. I had a nice picture book from '39 in NH, tons of damage in your area to CON
  2. we want it disorganized and way west, so SSTs aren't disrupted for our 38 redux
  3. weak, transitioning system passing straight north over PA is not going to produce more than a few bands of showers.
  4. Parts of ENE may stay dry, system is probably headed way way west
  5. looks like a pretty light event. Everything stays upright
  6. we hope for a 150mph cane directly into LI. This ain't it
  7. why install? Its a little muggy but not hot
  8. Lone storm is still west of ASH though, thats like 2 hours away at it's speed and heading. Maybe it holds together i guess.
  9. Not for us. Maybe we'll see a few leftover showers
  10. Had a light shower and rumble of thunder.
  11. meh, I didn't want a storm today anyway.
  12. exciting posts today wow. want 100F+
  13. Location matters of course. Some pvt and water/near waterfront communities blow away Burlington
  14. good riddance, that was becoming nearly as toxic as the 'rona itself
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