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Posts posted by clskinsfan

  1. 1 minute ago, NorthArlington101 said:

    I’ve not been paying attention to the weather since winter ended… were there supposed to be thunderstorms today? Storm by Front Royal looks legit for Feb

    No clue. But it cracking off out here at 37 degrees. Just doesnt feel right.

  2. 1 hour ago, CAPE said:

    Mosquitoes are a different story. Because I have a seasonal woodland wetland on my property, Spring mosquitoes are like clockwork, unless we have a super dry Winter/early Spring. To avoid an unmanageable swarm that can only be knocked back with  malathion, I have to larvicide in late March, and then I hit it again a few weeks later for good measure. If I do that, I won't see a mosquito until those invasive Asian Tigers show up later in Summer. Those bastards seemingly don't require any water to breed(they do, but very very little).

    After wet winters like this I can literally see them swarming around me when I go for a walk in the woods near the creek by my house. 

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  3. 19 hours ago, 87storms said:

    I'm looking forward to the spring in part because we did pretty well with bringing up the water table this winter.  Could be a nice looking spring as a result.

    Agree. But the bugs this year are going to be relentless because of the warm wet winter.

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  4. 18 minutes ago, JenkinsJinkies said:

    The big question is if we’ve permanently lost the 1996/2003/2010/2016 types of storms

    I dont think so. They may be rarer. But warmer water is going to cause some wound up beasts in the future. Hell it might even happen in March. I basically think winter is over. And the pattern isnt looking good for it.  But you never know when you can get a phased up bomb with just enough cold air to make it work. 

    The major change I am seeing lately is that the 4-6 inch storms we do get are gone within 48 hours. We just cannot sustain temps below freezing anymore. 

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  5. I am at 19.4 inches off of 8 snow events. A bad Nino. And this will be the first Nino I can remember not hitting climo if we are done. 


    2023-2024 Season Total:  19.4  (67% of climo)

    11/28  T  First flakes of the season from a streamer. Temps around freezing 25 MPH winds. 

    12/10/23  .75  Wave rides a front. 58 going in. slushy 3/4 inch on the back.

    1/1/24  T  Little wave rolls through with afternoon show showers. 

    1/6/24  2.3  Storm tracks through Southern VA. Mixed bag drops over 2 inches. 

    1/9/24  1.5  Thump from a strong MW blizzard. Roads a disaster.

    1/14/23  .3 Squall comes with heavy rates and wind. 

    1/15/23  3.25 Boundary sets up to the south. Light rates for 20 hours. 

    1/19/24  5.6  Overnight rates good. Light snow all day. Mod with streamers in the evening. 

    2/13/24  2.9  Perfect track Mostly rain. Ends as a pummeling of mashed potatoes.

    2/16/23  2.7  Northern vorst disappoints. Forecast was 4-6. Got less than 3.

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  6. 29 minutes ago, psuhoffman said:

    Thermometers aren’t subjective. It is warming.

    This is the truth. And the fact our species is accelerating it during the upswing in an interglacial cant be disputed either imo. The planet warms and cools. And has since its formation. But what is the impact of accelerating 150000 years of warming into a single generation? Nobody knows. But we are about to find out. 

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    • Weenie 1
  7. Spent the day doing some housework for my ailing father in law in Herndon today. Left early this morning with just under 3 inches on the ground at home. Snow cover was nice all the way up to and over the Blue Ridge. It progressed down from there. Herndon had around an inch and half when I got there. And it was gone a couple of hours later. Still snow covered in the shade back out here NW of Winchester. Was a beautiful drive this morning though coming over the mountain. Trees were plastered from the bottom to the top.

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