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Posts posted by SnowGolfBro

  1. 1 minute ago, psuhoffman said:

    It’s not as necessary as it’s seemed lately. I have a theory. We were in such a dominant +AO phase that it took stratospheric disruption to alter. When we are in a less hostile long term phase l, like I suspect we are now, we can get a favorable high latitude pattern without as much air from a SSW. 

    At the very least it’s nice to be heading into prime climo with some positive trends on the ensembles. If we can get 2-3 weeks of what is being advertised in January, there should be multiple opportunities to score. We can worry about the GLL’s, threading the needle, sun angle, etc when the time comes

    • Like 5
  2. 2 minutes ago, AdamHLG said:

    Is there an easy way to explain how this works?  I watched a pretty good bolt hit the ground very close to me in Towson with a huge bang last round of storms and a few min later on Radarscope it showed the bolt inside the blue location circle on my iPhone - - amazingly accurate I might add as the bolt hit to the south a bit and it was almost pinpoint accuracy to my eye on RadarScope.  Are there lightning antennas all over town and its triangulating?  That can't be it you would need to blanket the entire country!


    Or possibly an army of weather weenies posting their obs in real time. B)

    • Like 1
  3. 1 minute ago, mattie g said:

    Not sure I beat that.

    Now…I picked up about 2.00” of rain in the last 72 hours, so I’m not complaining. I also (kinda) don’t want tennis ball hail hitting my house.

    Lol. I was watching that storm before it ducked South of Montclair thinking this one will be fun.  Then i read the warning and I was perfectly happy with my .15 of rain.

  4. 47 minutes ago, blueberryfaygo said:

    Do you guys think that there will be perpetual mask mandates as retribution for vaccine choice? Like if we only hit 70% fully vaccinated.. do you think that there will be pressure to keep  mask mandates in place with policy saying "once we hit a certain percentage, we will lift the mandates"? 

    I ask this because it seems that once there is viable supply.. ie.. anyone who wants a vaccine can get one, then public health orders are not really protecting any that want to be protected... 

    In otherwords.. if you dont want a vaccine.. then you are taking the risk.. but if you want it.. you are protected

    Just stop wearing a mask if you don’t want to wear one.  And if you want to wear a mask, by all means please do.  I no longer wear a mask anywhere (i suppose if i had to get on an airplane i would have to, but i have purposefully not made any air travel plans).  If I’m asked to leave i do so politely. Lately, i see more people without masks and far less Karen control freak types.  I think that within the next month the weight of vaccinated people and freedom loving people will overwhelm any remaining mask mandates.  

    • Haha 1
  5. 5 minutes ago, toolsheds said:

    they are definitely a jeckle and hyde team.  Was at the game last week against Golden State and the 1st and 4th quarters were totally opposite of 2nd and 3rd.   


    They need to play more consistently on defense though.....When they do, they seem to be unstoppable. 

    Having Brad and Russ healthy and on the same page is what we needed. Chemistry takes time and with the Covid off-season and then the Covid hit early in the season it just didn’t give them time to gel. Now that is happening guys like Bertans and Lopez and Neto are filling their roles nicely. And agree with an above post about the Gafford addition. He has been great. Also Alex Lenaissance has been solid.  Exciting time to be a Wiz fan!

    • Like 1
  6. 32 minutes ago, Ji said:
    34 minutes ago, SnowGolfBro said:
    I didn’t want to miss the heavies for fear we mix before i wake up lol. Heavies commencing in Montclair and its glorious. Also cold! 

    How much did temp drop

    Down to 28.5. Maybe about a degree and half since onset. SN bordering on SN+

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