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Posts posted by SnowGolfBro

  1. 2 minutes ago, WinterWxLuvr said:

    The short range models at 18z have been abysmal with what has transpired in western Tennessee and Kentucky. Their radar presentation isn’t close to reality.

    WAA Snow waits for no man...or model

    • Like 1
  2. Just now, Quasievil said:

    I really don't understand this warm layer on the RGEM. With 700 and 850's warm, this explains why the RGEM is holding back on totals. This will be the time it gets it right. Where my 40" from a few weeks ago?


    I think this is the model’s attempt to factor in banding. So that signifies a heavy band through PWC at hour 30 that is just puking snow which cools the climb just enough!

    • Like 1
  3. Just now, ErinInTheSky said:

    I hate the Euro. It's such a fail for the different scenarios that would give much enjoyment.

    At least with the GFS and co, it's a ton of snow.

    And with the NAM, it's 3" of sleet and then freezing rain to make the biggest mess we've seen in a while (and this is my personal favorite solution because, again, I LOVE 3"+ sleet bombs)


    But the Euro? Non-warning snow, insignificant sleet, and a tenth an inch of Zr

    We toss

  4. 9 minutes ago, PWC Split said:

    50 miles further north would do the job.  Let’s go @BristowWx

    This is coming north. We are getting shellacked with 2-4 inches.  That cutout is BS.  Starting with Euro then the mesos at happy hour.  It’s on! Buckle up!

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  5. 3 minutes ago, BristowWx said:

    I’ve seen this movie before and the ending never improves.  We need like a 50 mile tick north.  

    Where is Jebman?! He usually pops in to ensure us that PWC will get shellacked by snow and this is our storm!

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