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Posts posted by tunafish

  1. 2 hours ago, dendrite said:

    That’s not the correct story IIRC. He videotaped two other girls beating up the 17 y/o. The girl said another person raped her later that night, but Verdugo was not involved in that…at least there is no proof of it. He was cleared of any wrongdoing.

    Edit to my original post - he videotaped the beating, not the attempted rape.  This article says he was there for both, though.

    "He was named in the police report filed by the survivor, a report which also noted her physical condition"



  2. 2 hours ago, Lava Rock said:

    Media and others really pushing the "kids must be vaxed" message now. Looks like some (all?) schools will require vaccination and if you don't, you have to wear a mask. I feel bad for those mask wearers that will be labeled and possibly shamed now, as if kids in school don't have enough to deal with on a social level. I'm pro vax, but for these long term untested vaccines, it should be a choice, which it is (for now), but making kids and their parents decide between getting a vax or wearing a mask for another year or more isn't right.

    haven't heard anything like that locally.  in fact, our district said no mask requirement for fall.  said nothing about vax, though.  Don't even have one for elementary age anyways.

  3. Link to where i disagreed with you or copy of my Vax Gang membership card.


    28 minutes ago, PhineasC said:

    LOL at wishing COVID on people you disagree with on a weather board. This is where it always ends up with you guys. Barely hidden with some of you. Do better, man.

    No clue why the vax gang gets so mad when other people don’t get the jab and are fine. It’s weird!


  4. Is Phin a successful troll-er and troll-ee simultaneously?  Impressive, tbh.



    Maybe put your money where your mouth is, catch the Delta, and write a blog on your experience?  Thx.

    Either that or consider giving it a rest, champ.

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  5. 1 hour ago, Lava Rock said:

    0.88" overnight. Can't believe it, but well short of models showing 2". LEW not far from here in reporting 1.85".


    Sent from my SM-G981U1 using Tapatalk





    0.86" here as well.  I think those model runs were through Monday.  More on the way for us overnight Saturday.

  6. 1 hour ago, Lava Rock said:

    where can I get these?

    These will go after Grubs and a few other things. https://www.amazon.com/Bug-Sales-Million-Beneficial-Nematodes/dp/B012TYT37K/ref=sr_1_8?crid=1TNKZ6VBF7W9Y&dchild=1&keywords=beneficial+nematodes+for+grubs&qid=1623159785&sprefix=beneficial+ne%2Caps%2C350&sr=8-8

    They have a "triple blend" version that goes after even more pests, but I'd go with this.  The expensive part is really from the shipping.  Make sure you're not on vacation when they're set to arrive, they need to stay cold.  A few hours on the porch they'll be fine.

  7. On 5/29/2021 at 7:11 PM, Lava Rock said:

    Honestly, I really don't like putting chems on the lawn, but now that I know what's been causing this I want something fast acting. I am looking into milky spore as tuna had suggested for more long term control.


    Nematodes are fast acting, they'll kill them within a day or two.  I might have suggested Milky Spore a few years ago, but found it to be be ineffective.  


    @dendrite that looks like root rot to me. sucks.  The only way I've been able to keep deer off mine is by fencing them off.  overkill but i'm tired of losing all the new growth to deer.

  8. RIP James

    Originally performed by Ghosts of the Forest

    © Seven Below Inc. (BMI)

    It's such a brief time we get to be here
    All together as friends they come and go
    We stand in streams of water
    And circle round the sun
    Until our time is done

    It's such a brief time we get to be here
    Crystal memories shimmer in my mind
    Of laughing all together
    I will always cherish
    Till the end of my time

    And what was I so worried about
    What a waste of time
    I can't even remember now
    I've seen smiles on passing faces
    In a long unending line
    It's such a beautiful world
    And such a brief time

    It's such a brief time we get to be here
    • Like 4
  9. "We’re Not Ready for the Next Pandemic
    We’re learning the wrong lessons from the search for COVID-19’s origins."


    Superior, insightful article written by a Chinese scientist, Yangyang Cheng, who works in the US. Cheng adds a much needed geopolitical analysis to the ongoing debate regarding the search for the origins of the virus. She raises important issues regarding sovereign authority, genetic resources, and cross border data sharing. A quote from one of Cheng's closing paragraphs:

    (To be clear, Cheng doesn't pick sides regarding lab leak vs zoonotic theories)

    "The novel coronavirus originated in nature. It has no agenda, no morals or political belief. Its presence among our species is a result of human activity. It is an indictment on all of humanity that when confronted with a common threat, the immediate response from governments has been more artificial divisions to determine who deserves to live and who must die. In the eyes of a state, security is not about preserving life but sustaining power. People are sacrificed to secure the fragile pride of a flag. The future is bartered to fulfill capitalism’s endless demand for profit. Truth gives way to partisan motives."

    I share the quote as an enticement to read Cheng's article; it's not worth offering commentary on just that quote if you haven't read the whole article.

  10. 8 minutes ago, dendrite said:

    Looks good, but I just want to target the grubs. The flies are beneficial to me because they pollinate my pawpaws. My chickens love the crickets later in the summer. I like the nematode idea, but maybe I need to find someone locally since they need to stay refrigerated.


    They are delivered with an ice pack, which is why the shipping cost is a bit higher.  As long as you don't let them sit on your porch for a whole day in the sun they'll be OK.

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