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Posts posted by tunafish

  1. 22 minutes ago, Lava Rock said:

    Thankfully our house is very energy efficient and while we have two heat pumps we only use them in summer. We have on demand baxi propane boiler for the radiant heat plus woodstove and South facing house. Our heating costs have avg ~600/yr last 10yrs

    Sent from my SM-G981U1 using Tapatalk

    Yes.  Same here - super efficient house.  We looked into heat pumps for the cooling, not heating.  Decided against it since it didn't make sense for the price.  But my summer climo is very different than yours.  I've got that ocean breeze, for better or worse.  Window unit AC's only 3-5 nights a summer, if that.  All this talk is making me want Kev to fire up the Lawn thread.

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  2. 1 hour ago, BrianW said:

    You guys must be getting crushed up North with $3+ oil and propane.

    Efficiency Maine has an awesome heating fuel cost calculator. The prices on the website are actual average fuel prices that Maine gathers. The current data is from Jan 3rd.

    Anyone using propane could have saved $3k+ this winter using a heat pump or wood/pellets. 

    Current average winter heating cost per fuel.

    Wood $1,169

    Pellets $1,712

    Heat pump $1,795

    Oil $3,027

    Propane $4,728



    Locked in my propane price in the summer, like I do every year, for <$2.50 a gallon.  I pay $1400 in heating/hot water costs.


    1 hour ago, Lava Rock said:

    Electric rates were just jacked so heat pumps not as good analternative as they were

    Sent from my SM-G981U1 using Tapatalk

    Don't let Queef Carson hear you say that.  He'll start a twitter thread mansplaining why you're wrong.

  3. 1 hour ago, tunafish said:

    So far so good!  This morning they were hesitant to come down into the run, though.  Understandably as it was -5°F.  Yesterday morning as rough too with the wind.  Gave them some warm Oatmeal as a treat, they were stoked.  I do want to inspect their combs for any frostbite today, just to be sure.

    I did get snow blowing through the ridge vent during last Friday's storm, right into their coop. Cleaned out the snos after and they were fine.  If we get another windy event I'll make sure modification to keep the snow out during the storm at least.




  4. On 1/15/2022 at 10:16 AM, dendrite said:

    How are the birds handling the cold? I left mine in the coop this morning where there’s no drafts and it’s a little warmer. I just went in there and it’s 10° whereas the run is 0° and it’s still -3° outside. Maybe around noon I’ll let them into the run when the sun is beating on it more. The spruce trees on the south sude if my yard have gotten tall enough that they block the sun this time of year. 

    So far so good!  This morning they were hesitant to come down into the run, though.  Understandably as it was -5°F.  Yesterday morning as rough too with the wind.  Gave them some warm Oatmeal as a treat, they were stoked.  I do want to inspect their combs for any frostbite today, just to be sure.

    I did get snow blowing through the ridge vent during last Friday's storm, right into their coop. Cleaned out the snos after and they were fine.  If we get another windy event I'll make sure modification to keep the snow out during the storm at least.


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  5. 9 minutes ago, HoarfrostHubb said:

    It has been mostly "normal" for most kids this year.  If someone is positive they miss a week or so.  Most materials, etc are available online so they can do some of the catchup work at home if motivated.    That goodness we are staying in person

    Being in-person seems to be the most meaningful difference from last year.  And yes, the whole pandemic experience is disruptive to kids, but they're also more resilient than people give them credit for, and at times more resilient than adults.  If they positive, resilient adults in their life, they'll definitely make it out of this experience OK.  And if they don't, they'll probably still be OK.  


  6. 5 minutes ago, HoarfrostHubb said:

    Pretty much as forecast.  Watch the MWRA poop numbers... that is the best way to view how widespread it is in those communities.  Not everyone tests... everyone poops

    timing would coincide with when numbers started to drop last year at the same time.  post-holiday surge peaked on Jan 11 last year.

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