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Everything posted by LibertyBell

  1. From 0 to 60 in 24 hours lol
  2. I wonder if we've ever had that before in one week? Temperatures (all highs I'm assuming) in every decadal range from the teens to the sixties lol.
  3. And we also had it in 1990 and 1991 when we had 22 out of 24 months above normal and you know how bad the winters were back then. It would be interesting if there's any info about the early 70s because we had some really bad winters back then too.
  4. Yes so no allergies for me last night!
  5. 2020 was the rare outlier, I can't remember the last time before that NYC got into the 30s (actually I do-- I think it was May 1992 when we were in the upper 30s-- that was the "Pinatubo summer"-- I think before that the last time we were in the 30s in May was in 1977, when we had snow, just like what happened in May 2020.) So 30s in May is basically a once in 2-3 decade event. To my knowledge it has never hit freezing or below later than 4/20 (which happened in 1983 when we had snow that actually stuck.)
  6. are we returning to early 80s type weather in spring lol? It was below freezing on this date in 1981 and of course we know what happened in 1982 and 1983 also had a late April snowstorm on the 20th.
  7. wow it was so cold in the early 80s, even this late in the season below freezing on this date in 1981! April blizzard in 1982 and another snowstorm a week later! April snowstorm in 1983 on 4/20!
  8. The last two springs have been very nice, dry and warm and last April we hit the 90s two days in a row.
  9. Think we'll likely hit 90 at least once in May, Don?
  10. It was really nice until that wind brought back my allergies. All the clear blue skies from this afternoon made this morning's heavy rain a distant memory and then I saw a few puffy cumulus give us a pink sunset.
  11. Why is it our local broadcasters almost uniformly underforecast the temperatures, Don? I even heard them say "no 70s for the next 7 days" and they busted badly on the first day of that forecast!
  12. I find extensive heat powerful and memorable, those summers stay in our memories just like big snowstorms do.
  13. a lesson learned from my dearly departed parents, you're very welcome!
  14. Figures, with how many I saw with just a camera and 300mm lens right in the camera's LCD! It's why we had all those gorgeous pink storms around the sun's outer rim during the total solar eclipse too. Is there a timeframe when to keep track of sunspot count prior to the winter-- like, fall, or summer? Interesting thing about 2004, that was right in the middle of a series of snowy winters (2002-03 to 2004-05)
  15. Interesting, Larry! Now that I'm doing solar photography, I'm very interested in sunspots! What is our current sunspot count? When I took pictures of them on Tuesday I could easily see at least a dozen of them! We're near solar maximum now.
  16. It's always about the blocking here-- it's very rare to get 1995-96 or 2010-11 kind of blocking, when that happens it trumps everything else. But those are once in a generation kind of winters.
  17. I thought that with stronger Bermuda highs we'd get more Gulf Coast activity and storms that hit Florida and keep moving west? What's causing them to recurve more now vs what happened in 2004 and 2005 as well as 2020, JM? Typically our hyperactive seasons are focused in the GOM not up here. If you look at the years in which NJ and Long Island got hit by hurricanes, few or none of them were hyperactive.
  18. Don, why don't we see interest in summer weather too? I find extreme heat just as exciting as the thought of big snowstorms. Both involve high numbers-- 20 inches of snow and 100 degrees are equally exciting because both are very rare.
  19. We are very close and she also wants to write a book. I write various material, mostly poetry, but also short stories and science documentaries. I finally figured out a way to share some of my writing without clogging up the thread, I screenshotted some of it. Some of these were inspired by music I listened to, others came to me in my dreams.
  20. Billy Joel was singing about Anthony during his 100th concert at MSG (it was on last night).
  21. Low 60s and sunshine and no rain for 30 days straight is perfect. I don't care how much of a drought we get if it doesn't rain the entire summer, I'm fine with it, 70% of the world is covered by oceans, maybe we should start using that water.
  22. Mark Twain had a thing or ten to say about statistics lol
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