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Status Updates posted by LibertyBell

  1. hey what do you think of corporate psychopathy?  I know it's different from psychosis which is mental illness.  Here's an example:

    I was reading about PFOA and DuPont covering it up even though their own female employees who were pregnant gave birth to children with birth defects :(
    and they already had a viable substitute for it but it was expensive and they didn't want to use it

    and when they finally did get rid of it they dumped it into a toxic waste site near a water way and both cows and people that drank from water that came from there got very sick
    cows bled to death
    people passed out
  2. RIP My Friend.  The great ones always go way too soon.  I hope you can still read the forum from where you are and know that we all have you in our thoughts and in our hearts and prayers.  Here's to an eternity of snowy winters on Mt Zucker and great gardening in all your summers!

  3. lmao as usual haha (also wrong there)-- you don't seem like the kind of person who would do well on standardized tests, you seem to have issues with context.  It's delightful that you actually think that was a blanket statement that applies to the entire planet, but no, we're talking about the  NYC region since that's the subforum we're in. 

    I was talking about our local area.  I also posted a number of metrics that showed that Summer 1999 was indeed a hotter summer as measured by concentration of hot 90 degree days and by hottest month of the year (and indeed the hottest month in the NYC record-- July 1999)  And the dryness of back to back near 0.5 inch months is nearly unmatched.  My memory of that period is pristine as usual and you need to go back to whatever hole you crawled out of.  Perhaps back to your blog, which has some of the most mediocre writing I've ever seen.  

  4.  My memory of that period is pristine as usual and you need to go back to whatever hole you crawled out of.  Perhaps back to your blog, which has some of the most mediocre writing I've ever seen.  

  5. Back with the weenies eh, I'm going through all your posts and weenieing anything I missed, tit for tat as they say.

    You've been buried in your hole for a year now, you need to go back down there and stay down there.

    1. LibertyBell


      it's where you belong

  6. Back with the weenies eh, I'm going through all your posts and weenieing anything I missed, tit for tat as they say.

  7. Hey man, since that thread got locked, I wanted to continue the nice discussion we were having (I'll try to keep it short I promise lol).  I agree we need a strong military, but we shouldn't let it get out of hand to the point where our social welfare programs suffer and fall behind the rest of the developed world (they already are.)  While I also believe that prevention is better than getting involved in war, the US has made a lot of mistakes in interventionist behavior (Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan) and that has resulted in the lowering of the US's standing in the world.  Eisenhower and Kennedy both believed that "less is more", that while maintaining a strong military is important, we shouldn't let it get out of control and be police people to the world.  It brings up a lot of bad things that were done in that name (support of dictators, like the one who killed 1 million people in Indonesia during the 60s), Noriega, Saddam, etc.

  8. I know you're weenieing my posts, so this is to give you notice I weenied all 51 of your miserable posts and I'm going to weenie any posts you ever make again in the future.  You think I make quick replies, you'll know what quick is because I'll weenie every post you make in the future before you even finish sending them.


    1. Snowfreak09


      that a threat or a promise??

      its not just me that is annoyed about the abundance of posts... just relax a little... no need to respond to every single thing. 

    2. LibertyBell


      I don't make more than 2 consecutive posts unless it's the middle of the night and no one else is around lol

  9. I'm going to weenie every post you make in your entire life, people like you, with no knowledge of climate change have no part in that discussion.... stay in your lane.

    1. LibertyBell


      This is exactly why you got booted from OT, keep it up and I'll make sure you get 5 posted too.

  10. keep it up and I'll make sure you get 5 posted, I assure you, Randy likes me a lot more than he likes you, he doesn't even know who you are.....so keep doing it and see what happens 

    1. LibertyBell


      Not that you've ever said anything useful in even a single post, so I should argue to get you 1 posted.

  11. My next sig is going to be about you ;-)

    1. Snowfreak09
    2. LibertyBell


      the stupid person is the pesticide sniffer who has nothing to post and no real life and now I've got my friends on your case too.

  12. Since you've been relatively nice, I'm removing your name from my sig.  Let's try to keep the peace okay? The weather is quiet right now too.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Snowfreak09


      lol got it....   but again-- apologies if i did come off like an asshole... totally am not one..

    3. Snowfreak09


      if you see a weenie from me- just know its in good fun... like u said, things are dead -

    4. LibertyBell


      I understand lol, I do think you're a pretty chill guy, so hopefully we all get  a nice snowstorm to end the season on and move on to hopefully  a better season next year.

  13. Smoking crack again are ya, Freak?

    1. LibertyBell


      The more you weenie, the 10x more I post and since my intelligence is maybe a quadrillion times yours, I'll make sure you'll never post again because I'll weenie whatever stupid thing you have to say and so will a bunch of other people who I've messaged about you.

  14. You said nowhere east of NJ recorded 100. You were wrong, as usual. 

    lmao as usual haha (also wrong there)-- you don't seem like the kind of person who would do well on standardized tests, you seem to have issues with context.  It's delightful that you actually think that was a blanket statement that applies to the entire planet, but no, we're talking about the  NYC region since that's the subforum we're in. 

    I was talking about our local area.  I also posted a number of metrics that showed that Summer 1999 was indeed a hotter summer as measured by concentration of hot 90 degree days and by hottest month of the year (and indeed the hottest month in the NYC record-- July 1999)

    You said nowhere east of NJ recorded 100. You were wrong, as usual. 

    lmao as usual haha (also wrong there)-- you don't seem like the kind of person who would do well on standardized tests, you seem to have issues with context.  It's delightful that you actually think that was a blanket statement that applies to the entire planet, but no, we're talking about the  NYC region since that's the subforum we're in. 

    I was talking about our local area.  I also posted a number of metrics that showed that Summer 1999 was indeed a hotter summer as measured by concentration of hot 90 degree days and by hottest month of the year (and indeed the hottest month in the NYC record-- July 1999)  And the dryness of back to back near 0.5 inch months is nearly unmatched.  My memory of that period is pristine as usual and you need to go back to whatever hole you crawled out of.  Perhaps back to your blog, which has some of the most mediocre writing I've ever seen.  

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