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the ghost of leroy

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Everything posted by the ghost of leroy

  1. Your backwards percentage signs and MS paint skills are top notch. You sure you don’t deserve an orange tag?
  2. in about 9 seconds someone is going to post about hurricane isabel now that that HWRF post was made.
  3. Diana 1984 looped and hollowed itself out...cat 4 down to kinda crappy cat 2 before landfall. #garbagehistory
  4. let's talk about whose posts are untrustworthy, wishcast for 12 inches of rain in new england, and confidently declare that bath water means 150 kts into wilmington ITT that way the main thread can stay pure.
  5. things could be worse for us...we could be tracking josh's jebi chase instead
  6. time to ban all nyc weenies from this thread
  7. that's the same thing anti-vaxxers say. i'm not sure what to tell you if in 2018 you still cant see the writing on the wall.
  8. lol at changing your mind the wrong direction
  9. who would have thought someone named snowlover would be such an ardent denier of global warming?
  10. i dont think so. it's logging the AF flight that is inbound and NOAA2 was doing circles and is now just kinda headed east even further out edit: we've got a turn. hopefully theyre headed to make another pass.
  11. still dont get whats going on with NOAA2, it's been loitering for almost an hour
  12. i didnt see any evidence of a double wind maxima on that last pass, but yeah, microwave would help.
  13. it does look like the eye is shrinking a little but that could just be my eyes deceiving me
  14. cloud tops are warming a bit on its western side but it still looks great
  15. yeah it probably peaked a bit ago or is there now.
  16. wonder if something is wrong with the plane...they went out east, made the turn, then just started flying in circles.
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