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the ghost of leroy

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Everything posted by the ghost of leroy

  1. just got caught up because i was playing some slay the spire... of course stewart went cat 4 landfall
  2. take the bickering to the main thread. this is a chill zone
  3. rule number 1: it's always sandy rule number 2: no being mean to the storm
  4. someday we'll tell our grandkids about the old AVN prior to when the commies at NOAA changed the color palate to make storms look more intense for AGW propaganda purposes
  5. Sandy had record IKE regardless of moon phase and all that jazz. Please don’t downplay a true legend.
  6. it's looking great now that i trashed it
  7. Take a shot every time someone mentions cat 4, opal, or charlie
  8. Well, if I were there I’d have to prepare for a serious outcome. Since I am in Vegas instead, my bet is still for a lower end hurricane.
  9. I’m still feeling okay about my call for a relative sleeper at landfall.
  10. There’s more to the equation than dewpoints, this shows water vapor higher up in the atmosphere. Don’t know about the scale, though. NASA’s fancy GOES page doesn’t have one
  11. You can read my call in the more exclusive tropical thread at ampol.
  12. I’m totally gonna trash people at some point, but I haven’t yet. Once again, you read my post and got in your own feelings about it.
  13. i dont understand why you have such a hard on for me when essentially all i said was that the major hype is likely to be wrong. you're a good poster and should be able to recognize that my track record on this stuff is better than just about everyone here. trust me, i'd love to wrong and watch a cat 4 plow into the redneck riviera. but this is gonna be a sleeper ass cat 1...i think...
  14. omg get over it. it's a banter thread and doing the "climo beats your models" thing has been my schtick for over a decade. i wasn't even talking about you, but a hit dog hollers. jeez.
  15. discuss it all you want. i am sure you'll find weenies to go down that hole with ya. hurricane nate last year had plenty of that.
  16. ok dude. yeah, no hyping on this board. especially not when posting those HWRF plots or jerking it to the sudden pressure drop last night
  17. on the plus side it's an easier drive for our boy raildawg
  18. i'm not getting jebaited by an october NGOM landfall. yall crazy with this hype.
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