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the ghost of leroy

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Posts posted by the ghost of leroy

  1. 34 minutes ago, TradeWinds said:

    We have the force field going on for most of the peninsula sans Irma :thumbsup: I am curious what Oct brings. GFS long range hints at lowering pressures but it's always there on the 384. 

    As usual, there is a stupid amount of heat content in the western Caribbean. FL is due for a repeat of King or a cleaner Wilma. 

    • Weenie 1
  2. 43 minutes ago, Prospero said:

    You think you are invisible, but you are number one in a Google search: https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-1-d&q="the+ghost+of+leroy"

    In fact, I found AmericaWX when one of your posts came up. You are a number being counted, and sold, Google knows every word you have spoken, money is moving around because of you. Your 3,400+ posts are like gold nuggets in a mountain stream. Google knows who you are, ad block all you want, you cannot escape, someone selling something has you in their scopes.

    Laugh as you will, the world knows who you are and what you say. ;)

    But you already knew that anyway...




    I’m not worried about anonymity. There are people here who even have my phone number. 

    • Like 1
  3. Just now, Prospero said:

    I'm a web developer, and spend a lot of time doing what too many people think is simple, such as merely keeping a site alive and healthy fighting off hackers and technical issues that never end. A few bucks to the Oz behind the curtain is money well spent for me. I enjoy this more than Netflix or Hulu which costs way more.



    Never subbed, never donated, stolen laptop, neighbors WiFi. 

    free entertainment. 

    • Haha 2
  4. 6 minutes ago, NorthHillsWx said:

    ACE is a useful tool but it certainly doesn’t tell the whole story. We’ve had extremely high ACE years with barely any impacts and low ace years that we’re high impact. It also doesn’t do late blooming storms justice, like Laura. Also, you can have 1 or 2 storms produce basically an entire seasons worth of ace and then have a slow rest of the season. 

    Accumulated IKE/insured losses=seasonal power index from a US-centric perspective. That would be something I could get with. 

    • Like 2
    • Confused 1
  5. 6 minutes ago, Windspeed said:


    ACE isn't the only standard though. People who only consider it to be are foolish. Landfalls are critical data. Cost is important data. Number of storms are critical data. However, ACE shouldn't be done away with as it is an important climatological tool for measuring and comparing basins. Also, it's a great data filter for finding the most active seasons. It's no coincidence that seasons with the highest ACE had numerous powerful TCs beyond just having a high total number of TCs. You also usually find some real long-tracking beasts as well.


    ACE is cool until you waste a month tracking hurricane/typhoon Ioke and realize you could have literally been doing anything else with your life. 

    • Haha 3
  6. 7 minutes ago, Windspeed said:

    Well we should have some recon flights during peak since it will eventually be a land threat (Bermuda or possibly NE/NS, etc). You're probably meaning on the ground in situ though. I bet you had no love for Lorenzo. emoji17.png

    When I was younger I’d get excited for fishes. I’d even track the EPAC for “science”

    Now I just don’t care. AGW is making lots of strong storms so I can be pickier and demand excellence. 

  7. 6 minutes ago, Windspeed said:
    1 hour ago, the ghost of leroy said:
    I agree with that. Hopefully we get our cat 5 

    Teddy has a shot at Cat 5. It'll be moving over 29°C SSTs tomorrow within a divergent environment. Definitely going to be a Category 4 and most likely a high end one during its life cycle.

    Sorry, I only count it if it happens past about 60W. It’s the whole “tree falls in a forest but nobody hears it” principle. 

    • Like 1
  8. 21 minutes ago, NorthHillsWx said:

    Well I don’t think anyone can complain about this hurricane season, 2020 has literally had something for everyone. If you’re a numbers person, we’re going on the “w” storm halfway through September. You like high end hurricane landfalls? Laura. You like disorganized spinny thingies with names? You’ll be set for 3 years. East coast metro hit? Isaias produced hurricane force gusts from N.C. to MA. Long track MDR storms? Paulette and Teddy. High end fish storm, watch teddy this week. Hurricane landfalls? Every single hurricane has hit land. Teddy may too. Rapid Intensification? Check. Survivalist storms? We’ve had two hit the tallest peaks in the Caribbean and STRENGTHEN after doing so. You a person who loves strengthening systems on approach? Check check check check check check. Preseason named storm? Yep. Needle in a haystack storm? Paulette making landfall on Bermuda. Slow moving epic rain producer? Sally. Ridiculous storm surge, thank you Laura. I mean, we’ve had everything for everyone!

    No we haven’t. A season can’t be epic without a sub 915 storm. It’s a rule. 

    • Weenie 3
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