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Frog Town

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Posts posted by Frog Town

  1. 33 minutes ago, dta1984 said:

    I realize he is an easy target right now, but what would you like him to do?   Your governor is the one to mandate masks, stay at home orders, open/close indoor dining bars etc. A stimulus package should be the top priority for congress. 


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  2. 6 minutes ago, StormfanaticInd said:

    Federal Government doesn't want to do what they know needs to be done. They are willing to let hundreds of thousands die for the almighty dollar. Just pathetically tragic and sad

    Every family has skeleton's in the closet, and so does every country.  It's a fallen world

  3. 54 minutes ago, IWXwx said:

    The infectious disease specialist at our local hospital told staff earlier this week that if the public doesn't begin doing a better job of taking precautions soon, the cases will begin to double every week. Sounds like a little bit of a stretch.Thoughts?

    That's exponential growth.  IF nothing changes, then that's what will happen.  

  4. 2 minutes ago, Angrysummons said:

    Don't need stimulus. Current restrictions are working and it looks like hospitalizations will stabilize by early December. Listen, I am hardly a big capitalist, but the system is over inflated with dollars right now and China is kicking US butt globally. Not a good combination.

    Who gives a &$%# about China right now.  This isn't race for Pete's sake, it's rent, mortgage, food on the table for people that are out of work not by their actions or choosing.  

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  5. 4 minutes ago, nwohweather said:

    I personally hope we eventually have a shelter in place nationally soon. As an educated adult I do not have the ability to personally make decisions about my health and hope the government makes it for me

    I know you're being sarcastic, but the actual stat of Americans that don't have past a 10 grade education is pretty frightening.... 

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  6. 55 minutes ago, ovweather said:

    I wouldn’t hesitate for a second to get the vaccine. I wanted to take part in the test trials, but had no idea how to get involved. I’m not afraid. What’s there to fear? I’m much more fearful of getting the actual virus. How many vaccines out there have had “weird things” show out later on? Trust the science.


  7. 1 hour ago, nwohweather said:

    La Nina's almost always lead to great Toledo winters, and prolific early spring flooding. 

    I'd say the sweet spot for Toledo is a 50" winter. Perfect amount of consistent snow cover to allow for ample winter sports, yet at the same time isn't overwhelming. The 86" that fell in 2013-14 was too much. I loved snow but wow was it nearly impossible to get around rural communities that winter.

    What's your address!  I'm gonna send you a present for making my day, lol.  

    • Haha 1
  8. 31 minutes ago, Angrysummons said:

    People know what they are supposed to do. If they won't do it, there is no reason to shut down the economy again. Let them eat what they sow.

    This thinking is the very issue.  Their "Eating what they sow" will cause hospitals to fill affect and affect those rule followers that get in a car accident or have a child with appendicitis, that now can't get life saving treatment.  It's like a Chess game and you have to be many moves ahead to have a chance.  

  9. 2 minutes ago, StormfanaticInd said:

    Watching New York carefully. We don't need them getting out of control again 

    We are a bunch of weather nerds who understand the difficulty of predicting the weather....Human behavior is way easier to predict with much easier Math and Physics.  New York is in trouble....

    • Like 1
  10. 2 hours ago, Snownado said:

    Makes no sense. And it cant be because more people are staying indoors because the weather has been so nice and warm ! Everyone has been outside enjoying the nice weather ! So why are cases going up if more people are wearing masks ?

    This is from Halloween and the cold spell we had two weeks ago, most likely.  

  11. 3 hours ago, Cary67 said:

    Having a vaccine by late spring for most of us could be a moot point. Especially if  5X times that are really infected each day.

    We are being "vaccinated" right now and the side affects are many and deadly to many, unfortunately.  

  12. 14 minutes ago, Angrysummons said:

    One thing that blows me away with the vote/covid fatigue, it was the old people that had it more than younger people. Many Boomers who never voted, basically became a one issue voters, yet are the ones that voted for Trump due to pandemic............ok lol. If they get sick and die, well. Tough. I read Darwin as well, but I don't think Charles quite meant this is general.

    Correct.....Darwin had your number of offspring in mind when thought of Survival of the "Fittest"

  13. 1 hour ago, Hoosier said:

    Probably hard to know for sure but I wonder if tonight will be one of the most sleepless nights in America since right after 9/11.  You can feel the tension.  Just remember that no matter what, the sun will rise and we'll make it through.  :hug:

    Since this is a weather forum, Mr. Moderator, I have sleepless nights due to dry slot fears with just about every Snowstorm, LOL.  NW Ohio is notorious for the nefarious Dry Slot.  

    Wait, were you referring to politics??

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  14. 17 minutes ago, StormfanaticInd said:

    Whatever happened to the task force?

    Now that we actually need it!  But I heard we rounded the corner and this thing is gonna disappear on Wednesday!  :facepalm:


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