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Everything posted by cutlew

  1. Seriously, doesn’t get any better than walking outside to sunshine while everything is already coated
  2. Plus, since when were deaths and hospitalizations the only “relevant” markers of health? I’m 28 and healthy and it was a no brainer to get the vaccine (medical student, wasn’t jumping the line!). Will gladly take 95% reduction to my chances of getting the worst flu-like illness of my life or having long-term reductions in exercise capacity or breathing issues. Even if I were to get it and remain asymptomatic, still don’t want to unwittingly expose people around me or have to isolate from my daily life for 10 days. And like you said, risk of adverse effects is so low, I almost certainly had a higher chance of adverse effects from the Tylenol I took during the one afternoon of headache I had after the 2nd dose than from the shots themselves.
  3. Yeah, hopefully mother nature can share the love this week, Chicago->northward has had a lot of action lately so it's definitely your turn next!
  4. Such an interesting storm, some of those vids and pics look pretty intense. I'm up in the northeast corner of WI for this one, no wind or insane rates like you guys farther south but we've gotten 8" since noon. Excited to see how it looks tomorrow morning, gonna be real pretty with all the evergreens coated in snow
  5. agree on the dibs as a non-Chicago native, worst part is people continuing to claim their spot for way too long after the storm is over
  6. And locks that cold in place, verbatim keeps a good portion of the region subzero for 60-84 hours straight
  7. Finished with 12.4 here before it finally tapered off, probably one of my top 5 favorite snowstorms I can remember. Nice that it had a fairly decent swath of 8-14 all the way from north of Milwaukee down to Indiana so a lot of us scored big.
  8. Feeling pretty good about hitting that 1' mark after all today, which I think would make it the biggest snow in the heart of the city since 2015. Up to 9.4" here so far this morning
  9. Was only 1-1.5" down at 7:30 tonight so we've been averaging ~1" per hour since then
  10. Yeah, measured a bit shy of 4" in Bridgeport neighborhood today so spot on for here too. Don't post often but enjoy following all of the insights from you and others
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