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Everything posted by hardypalmguy

  1. That's their typical la nina broad brush. This agency is utter garbage at this point and shouldn't be taken seriously.
  2. Be careful. That's heart attack territory.
  3. Well it looks like they finally killed the only place I know of to get 16 days of tabular model data on one page. Does anyone else know of a comparable site?
  4. Where did he go? We need La Crosse reporting again.
  5. 33 and rain season is almost here for us lakeshore dudes.
  6. I would love for a scientific discussion on why today happened. What made a day with no support go ballbusters.
  7. Which means we still have so much to learn in forecasting. I thought 30 years ago we would be there by now.
  8. Why not? With today's technology, what caused them to miss this in the short term? There was like no warning. It would be like a tornado spinning up on a bluebird day.
  9. Lots of tornado warnings in WI right now. SPC dropped the ball big time on this event.
  10. I wonder how Tampa Bay and Indian Rocks Beach area will fare from this.
  11. Any day it doesn't freeze or snow is one day closer to spring.
  12. I hope to god this misses Tampa. I have a wonderful vacation booked/planned end of year in Tampa area (Indian Rocks Beach)!
  13. Wonder how bad Tampa is going to get hit by Ian. Vacation there at end of year so not happy to see this developing.
  14. The September climate here in recent years has been to die for — basically an extension of summer. .
  15. At what point do we just admit climo for December has changed and that is the new normal vs being an anomaly?
  16. Warm. Palm trees emerging by late February.
  17. Sure is and we've had just as warm 2 weeks later in 2017.
  18. Sun angle really doesn't do much except melt pavement snow in late winter. Head out into the country and snow sticks just fine at 32F in March.
  19. Zzzzzzzz weather. I can count on one hand how many flashes of lightning I saw this year so far.
  20. Really grasping hard here -- it's like rolling into Feb 9 and saying "OMG I see a drop of liquid water outside, SPRING IS HERE!!!!"
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