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Posts posted by tuanis

  1. 14 minutes ago, cyclone77 said:

    It looks like a legit blizzard with this last band.  Enough snow had fallen, and with the heavy falling snow it's pretty gnarly out there.  Hit a few spots on the way home where it was a complete whiteout, and the falling snow was quite light at the time.  Can only imagine how bad it is right about now out there. :yikes:

    Gotta love an arctic front

  2. Was using my iPhone to record one of the heavier bands about 30 mins ago and think I may have captured the only flash of lightning I've seen today. I noticed it with my eyes first and the video backed my brain up. It's subtle and nothing showed up on radar, but but take a look. About 33 seconds in after the video flips to slo-mo and pans up to the sky. Apologize for the portrait video, total rookie move. The lamp reflection is pretty tacky too. YouTube is supposedly still processing the HD version (not that it will make much of a difference).


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  3. 8 minutes ago, Hoosier said:

    After the heavy snow tapered off, I noticed some melting on parts of the pavement.  I think with getting later in the day and heading toward sunset, it will stick better on the pavement again even if it hangs a hair above freezing and rates aren't quite as heavy as early on.

    This. We'll get our best accumulations separate from the best rates. The showery/convective depiction on radar, melting during lulls, dripping from trees reminds me of a spring system. Sure won't feel like spring in a couple hours.

  4. Goes to show we really don’t understand all of the aspects of lake enhancement. LOT emphasized repeatedly on their Q&A yesterday that since this was a “warm storm” from the Pacific they didn’t expect any enhancement from the lake. Yet yesterday’s runs of the HRRR will largely work out close to the lake. This storm was moisture-laiden, could that be playing a role in the lake enhancement? About 11” and counting here.

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