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Posts posted by Phelps

  1. 2 hours ago, wake4est said:

    I would sell a non-vital organ for the fantasy GFS to verify.



    Half whining half serious question... I understand it is difficult (perhaps impossible) to predict sensible weather 7+ days out.  It doesn't surprise me at all that models spit out a variety of solutions and many are wrong.  But it just seems to me like something has to be broken if your model routinely spits out a scenario that happens on a few times a century.  I guess it doesn't matter because the purpose of these tools is not to predict sensible weather at this range.  

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  2. 1 hour ago, Met1985 said:

    If we don't get prolonged cold the ski resorts will be out of business. 

    I don't disagree but the resorts (I can only speak for App, Sugar and Beech) have made remarkable investments in snowmaking capabilities in recent years.  It's to the point that they can basically cover the main slopes in a day.  It's been one of the warmest decembers ever, no natural snow, it hasn't been below freezing for a week, and the resorts are still open.  (barely, i assume)  Next week should be great for snowmaking.  

    But it is crazy to think that at the end of the day they are in the hands of mother nature.  I would imagine they make most of their money on about 12 weekends and to lose one to warm and rain has to be painful.  

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  3. I don't mean to downplay the threat of a significant ice storm but how long is this thing going to last?  12 hours?  I was in Raleigh for the early 2000s ice storm and it just would not stop raining with temps in the mid 20s.  Again, I do think a high impact ice event is in the making but some of these apocalyptic maps need to be taken with a grain of salt.  

  4. Looks like we ended up at the lower end of the range. Couple inches at the house. Probably more at the top. I am certainly not complaining though. There is soooo much snow up here right now. It’s been a fantastic winter for us.

    And I’ll just say it’s been great for my sanity not to have to hope for snow in Charlotte. It hasn’t really snowed there since January 2018 and honestly feels like it might never snow there again.  (I realize it will but boy it’s been bleak) 

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  5. 51 minutes ago, MotoWeatherman said:

    I feel comfortable saying 6-8 inches.  At my location the winds really whip and blow the snow so it makes it difficult to find a good spot to get a solid measurement.  Lol.  Went to bed with about 2-3 so overnight was a big plus.  Maybe picked up another inch during the daylight hours.  Skied sugar mtn this after and you would never had know it snow up top as it was a solid sheet of ice with 40+mph winds.  The lower half of the mountain was decent though. 

    Yeah 6-8 seems about right.  Maybe closer to 6 where I am. It was still going to some degree when I left this afternoon.  I was surprised. 

    I also got stuck on the BMP trying to leave as they had to shut it down for 90 minutes to clean up a bad wreck. It was pretty dicey out there today. Thankfully it was a Tuesday. 

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  6. 1 hour ago, MotoWeatherman said:

    Down to 22.8 with drizzle quality snow going on here on Beech.  Somewhere between a 1/2 to 1 inch so far. 

    4-5 inches of snow then .25”(?) of rain,  and now it’s in the teens. Things are crunchy up here this morning. 

    If we’re going to get to Ray’s 5-10 it better start snowing harder soon  :) 


  7. 20 minutes ago, MotoWeatherman said:

    Got about an inch here on Beech.  Surprise.  Now on to Tuesday and then Thursday/Friday.   

    Yeah where the heck did that come from?  A little frustrating as I was up there for 4 days to celebrate New Years and it never got below freezing.  Then as I'm packing up it starts to snow unexpectedly.  Certainly eyeing a quick return trip Thursday evening. 

    Side note; I know many on this forum are well aware but man it was bustling up in the high country.  I think you had almost everything booked up with folks on vacation then on top of that a lot of day trippers had the mountains on their minds as they heard about the White Christmas.  The ski resort looked like chaos.  I'm happy for the  local businesses but also won't mind seeing things get back to "normal".  

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