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Everything posted by sauss06

  1. I can remember a few times over the years we had snow in April, but i can't remember specifics. Other then maybe a squall.
  2. We packed up and left. Half my family went to my uncles in Tennessee and the other half went to my grandparents in SC. You remember nobody, especially the media didn't really have a grasp on what was going on. I remember watching the news at my uncles place and they made it sound like it was total devastation. I was young too, a soph. and totally didn't get it. My dad was the toughest guy i ever knew and i still recall watching the tears run down his face and said we'll never go home. I only ever saw tears in his eyes 2 times, that was one of them. It was scary times.
  3. sounds like a red hot poker https://www.highcountrygardens.com/perennial-plants/kniphofia/kniphofia-uvaria-hybrid-mix?adpos=1o9&scid=scplp3840&sc_intid=3840&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIi_KLkpON2gIVmYuzCh1NoQH4EAYYCSABEgKjMvD_BwE
  4. i have found when we gradually go into spring, my Lilacs do better. When we have that brief warm up they started to wake up. don't mess with my lilacs I agree, it seems like mother nature turned her fans on and never turned them off. I have more clean up of branches and especially freaking pine cones then i can ever remember. Glad you didn't lose more.
  5. My only fear of snow this late, is what it does to the plants and shrubs. I would think right now we should have a pretty spectacular spring as wet as everything is. DJR- how are you making out up there on the ridge with this wind, do you have a bunch of limbs and branches to clean up? It seems much windier then normal
  6. My wifes worried about her afternoon commute from Hershey to home. I think she'll be ok 

  7. there is not 1 person i know who has ever experienced power loss for 24 hours or longer that makes a wish for a crippiling ice storm, NOBODY!
  8. i hope you're kidding, its really not as fun as you think.
  9. Well i hope y'all get some snow before X-mas, it'd be nice for your kids to play in..

  10. The normal stuff. Getting ready for X-mas, awaiting some snow. Trying to sneak a break from our long softball season. But all is good. How about you?

  11. Hey glad you made it over.. I was thinking of you over the weekend, when Mich. State beat my PSU!!

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