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Everything posted by 512high

  1. Never in my life ...NASHUA Home Davis since 5pm....... 3.86" and going
  2. YA, THIS SUCKS home Davis at 1.29" so far just dumping on top of me, Winter snow better be the same this year....
  3. Nashua getting dumped on, 1/4" in about 15 min, few gust 70/72
  4. Andover/ North Andover looking great right now!
  5. 70/69 Sun looks on fire...wonderful, please make this shit stop. Aiming for a high 93-94
  6. Pickles was right ,told me to get there early, I missed high tide this am (NH Seacoast), arrived tide was going out, a lot of surfers, choppy but nothing like the past few days, Water over the wall (Hampton) during high tide (water still in the street when I arrived, I will say unless you were in the water, no relief! Humid as shit. With that said, arrived back at ASH 1pm, 90/73
  7. 69/70 for the low, working the NH Seacoast today, will try pictures if the surf is still cranking.
  8. I'm working in Hampton and North Hampton tomorrow, hope to see some good surf
  9. ASH hit 90 last hour, had a dew of 73, sitting at 89/71 (yes aware Nashua dewpoint always seems a bit high) but this is swamp ass.
  10. 48 for the low, what a beauty of a morning, my type of airmass. I know it won't last , can't believe we are now in September!
  11. OH SH_T Chris, Thinking of Sagamore!!! Sorry my bad
  12. What a wonderful morning! I know it won't last but enjoy! (talking dry air)
  13. I work on the seacoast few times per week, driven by, parts of the course border route 95, few hills, overall, busy, old course
  14. I Scott,My app showed 130 mph, isn't that CAT 4 or are you talking about when it hits landfall.... is that how they judge it?
  15. I had a friend go there a few years ago (I think) he said elevation was around 9K? Anyways, Enjoy!
  16. Unless I get more pop up rain later, Nashua @ .51" 72/73
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