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Everything posted by WhitinsvilleWX

  1. 1.5% of beds in Connecticut with covid cases. ~8900 total beds in the state.
  2. I don't post anymore on this stuff since the MPM thread was shut down. I figured what was the point. But, a rapid antigen test that's specific would be what we need to end this mess. I started looking into the PCR test a little more back in June. I was appalled to find out positives were being called at cycle number <40 (or <37 depending on the lab). I've used real time RT-PCR (or Taqman PCR) since 1997. We always discounted mRNA levels if the Ct value popped above 34-35. Not enough mRNA to make protein at any significant level. Several studies have been done that correlate Ct value with actual viral transfection assays, which is the gold standard. Ct values above 33-34 show no infectious viral particles are present. Yet the cut off still remains absurdly high. I'd love to see the Ct values that come back from these so called cluster events like on a swim team or frat house party. Chances are one kid actually had the sniffles for covid and the rest popped "positive" because they picked up some free mRNA or a few virus particles that their innate immune system took care of. You could find the same amount of mRNA in the entire household from flu A if someone in your house was positive by an antigen test for flu. They don't test for flu with PCR, and they shouldn't with this. Its too sensitive. The test itself is fine, but the interpretation needs to be adjusted to what's called positive. I'm still not sure why no one has come out with a good rapid test. It takes 9-12 months to make a good, specific monoclonal antibody that's suitable for a rapid test, so hopefully that's not too far off. If they keep using PCR and calling "positives" at Ct values of <40, some places will stay locked down for ever since small amounts of mRNA will hang around for months.
  3. What was the gist of it? Was he obviously drunk or just basically melted down crying? He's kind of a mess anyway. But i can see how this whole Covid situation can get to anybody much less people who are a bit unstable to begin with.
  4. December was ok. Otherwise...pretty much. Im hoping for front loaded. Dec-March. I’d love to have at least one April that doesn’t suck.
  5. Not yet. Get through Halloween and then talk to me. Damn dewy today. 64. I’d have guessed higher. Just finished mowing the yard and I’m drenched. Pool time!
  6. No thanks on the Ampol. I’m not innocent either. We all have biases. I’m probably 180 degrees politically from a lot on here. That’s ok. What makes the world go round. The whole thing has turned way too political. There’s good arguments on either side. But we have to find a way to come together on it. My bigger concern with the whole thing was out of area moderators showing up over night threatening to ban New Englanders from their own forum. That’s unacceptable. And Taunton is right, we never did find out how much a Market Basket manger makes. Burning question.
  7. Christmas in July i actually passed a house last night on Rt140 that had Christmas lights on the hedges
  8. Bout finished. That’s lines hauling
  9. Yea, no Shyte! 30 minutes ago I was siting on my pool deck in the bright sun and 84 degrees. Moved in quick
  10. Comin a toad strangler her in the ‘Ville. Ton of wind
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