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Everything posted by anotherman

  1. Hahaha, models just completely busted on the snow. Who could’ve guessed?
  2. It's all over now.... https://twitter.com/TonyPannWBAL/status/1234479837877874688?s=20
  3. Gotta say I disagree about the “if it’s not going to snow let it be 70.” We need cold. We need freezes. Just saw a report that things in D.C. are looking to emerge 23 days ahead of schedule. 23! Good God! Thinking solely about your own comfort or golf game is what has gotten us into the mess we’re in.
  4. NOBODY messes with the Jebman! Go play Fortnite.
  5. Dude spouts conspiracy theories left and right and we expect that he will be forthcoming about his forecast inaccuracies?
  6. Isn’t it a hoax perpetuated by the Chinese?
  7. I’ve been saying this for about 5 years....very difficult to have a cold planet when the oceans are WELL above normal.
  8. Agree. Some of the analogs being used for long range forecasts are completely useless. It would be like trying to play football on a basketball court.
  9. Silver maples already doing their thing....on February 13th.
  10. Got 20 inches out of it. That winter was so active that they actually didn’t cancel school right away. [emoji23]
  11. Cold is necessary to kill bacteria, viruses, ticks, and invasive species. Most people have little idea why we need it to be cold. It makes me sick when the weather people on tv are joyous about 50s in January.
  12. “The model has no idea what will happen yet.” GFS mantra
  13. Snow mixing in with rain in Mount Joy. 39 currently.
  14. Why even come here if you reject science? The models are the sum of years of research and experimentation. I don’t get it.
  15. This is like a treadmill. Things look better for a few days and then everything is crushed by reality.
  16. Doesn’t it mean that it’s possible the +AO is synced with the strat warming and maybe it will snap back and allow more favorable conditions late in winter?
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