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Everything posted by canderson

  1. I will laugh my ass off if Sunday night MDT has <2” snow. Like, really, I’ll laugh for hours.
  2. I fully expect the gfs to give the LSV nearly all plain rain. It’s what it does.
  3. NAM has to be like 8” sleet. I can’t fathom that.
  4. I'm going to need a few minutes alone with the NAM methinks.
  5. The Euro is damn cold. Monday someone in the mountains here might barely crack 10.
  6. All eyes on the King. If it comes closer to Ukie, I'll be ecstatic. That said it probably puts the system in Montreal lol.
  7. First of all, we all owe @daxx a huge amount of gratitude for his PBP. No drama, just pure data analysis. This thread is the best on this board for a reason. Now, I was as pessimist as anyone yesterday but if we can keep the south trend up today and Thursday night's event grows weaker and weaker ... then I'll get excited.
  8. I sense you get yours this weekend. Hope so at least. Meanwhile I’m inflating my canoe.
  9. I'll take the 2" and call it a day if need be. February hopefully is more promising!
  10. Unfortunately the QB is Christian Hackenberg and not Randall Cunningham.
  11. Fat lady warming up her vocal chords for this weekend. Unless you like creek flooding. Bummer. :/
  12. GFS long range is just cutter after cutter after cutter it appears.
  13. A few days ago I joked we'd get more snow Thursday night than all weekend. Turns out, that's looking to be right.
  14. He's also in a Twitter fight with some met from NJ who says we might get 2' of snow. Horst said it's impossible.
  15. At least the severe ice situation appears to be not materializing.
  16. CTP discussion for this weekend is worth a read IMO:
  17. You guys are posting a ton about a rainstorm this weekend. Someone thoughshould check on Voyager, he might off himself with this pattern.
  18. I can't wait until we get more snow Thursday night than this weekend. /ducks
  19. I mean plain rain - sleet happens of course. That 16 storm thankfully I kept out of pretty much any sleet - that mix line was right at MDT iirc.
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