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Everything posted by kdxken

  1. I know can you believe these magnificent dew points in the '20s and '30s. Let's keep it rolling!
  2. No snow here. But after a week of drinking and golf I'd gladly trade . No I don't want another beer!
  3. Thinking about heading down that way on Wednesday. How crappy is the weather supposed to be? Going to me trying to get some golf in. Forecast doesn't look great but I'm not familiar with Florida.
  4. Exactly. Who doesn't like fog, drizzle and a cold wind?
  5. Anybody do a wellness check on the idiots who installed?
  6. Only colder. At least golfing on the cape.
  7. Yikes did the bruins look bad tonight.
  8. Rhea as far as the eye can see. So much for those early summer forecasts lol.
  9. GIDI - Glad I didn't install.
  10. Isn't it pretty much like the American beech? It stays that way for a while.
  11. If it's anything like down here the forsythia will not bloom.
  12. Gwdlt. 55 cloudy and perfect for work.
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