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Everything posted by kdxken

  1. Sometimes no matter how hard you try folks just won't listen. It's a shame really...
  2. Some were calling for temperatures touching 80 and installs.
  3. Me neither. Seems like a nice guy. Maybe a little hopeful like all of us but I don't consider that a bad trait .
  4. He should probably wait until the utility crews clear some of the downed poles.
  5. How's the install going? Need a hand?
  6. My stupid phone forecast is all wrong. I was assured it was going to be in the '80s. Wish I hadn't installed.
  7. Put out a Christmas tree this winter in my woods to catch some animal pictures. Not a rousing success although I did get just about every animal that frequents New England. No bobcats until last night.
  8. My friend just sent me this from 9 years ago today. He made a drinking cave on his sidewalk. We used it for quite a while.
  9. You gotta a problem with that?
  10. Yep they're here. Going to kill them all. I didn't have many left anyhow after the wilt.
  11. 24 South after you get on from 495 was pretty much destroyed.
  12. Yes you do. The only reason I cut it like that was I wanted both pieces to come down on a stuck tree in front of it. Usually I always cut them individually. Yep emerald ash borer. Only have a few trees left.
  13. Amazing you have that many left. I thought you got pretty smoked by the gypsy moths? They like the mature trees.
  14. Yeah they're not strong. Took down this double ash tree today. Let go a little quicker than anticipated.
  15. When do the '80s start? We were promised.
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