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Everything posted by kdxken

  1. You gotta a problem with that?
  2. Yep they're here. Going to kill them all. I didn't have many left anyhow after the wilt.
  3. 24 South after you get on from 495 was pretty much destroyed.
  4. Yes you do. The only reason I cut it like that was I wanted both pieces to come down on a stuck tree in front of it. Usually I always cut them individually. Yep emerald ash borer. Only have a few trees left.
  5. Amazing you have that many left. I thought you got pretty smoked by the gypsy moths? They like the mature trees.
  6. Yeah they're not strong. Took down this double ash tree today. Let go a little quicker than anticipated.
  7. When do the '80s start? We were promised.
  8. I'm praying for a major drought. It could never rain again and it would be too soon.
  9. So when should we expect the '80s? "Sunday night into early Monday, possibly accompanied by a few snow and/or rain showers.Warming trend as temperatures make a run into the 50s mid week. Greater chances for rain and snow Wednesday/Thursday as a strong cold front moves throught The region. Dry and much cooler to round out the workweek and start the weekend".
  10. Happens every year. Just ask Wolfie. Says so in is snowmobile diaries. Relax...
  11. Same here. Struck me as very odd. Maybe their pools were washed away with all the rain?
  12. Those were probably chokecheries. Tent caterpillars love nesting in those.
  13. I'm sure most people feel that way. I certainly would have liked a little more but it gave me a good jump on the firewood . January and February pile. Snow slows me way down.
  14. Only three more months of weather essentially the same as today. Low 40s and misery mist.
  15. 16° another cool start. I was going to say February has seemed pretty near normal but then I looked at the now data. I missed the torch when I was in Florida. Worcester 5.9° above normal for the month.
  16. You must be in a warm spot. Raymond station has five below 10° for January alone.
  17. “That’s a thing of the past,” he said. Winters are warming twice as fast as summers in northern states, scientists have found. Across New England, this winter is shaping up to be one of the warmest on record, driven by an El Niño weather pattern currently in place and climate change, which has increased average temperatures globally. In December and January in Vermont, nighttime temperatures were generally around 21 degrees, making those two months the warmest on record in terms of nighttime low temperatures. This year marks the first time in recorded history that there wasn’t any snow on the ground in Burlington, Vt., during the first 12 days of February.
  18. Some flakes blowing around. Wind is pretty impressive.
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