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Everything posted by kdxken

  1. Same folks were calling for 60 MPH gusts out by the river for Henri lolz. BDL might have gusted to 30 at best.
  2. First picture was from 2 weeks ago second was from today. If you weren't drunk you might have noticed there was some wood missing as well.
  3. Have the same thing. And you're not kidding about the rocks. In the winter I used it to blow the snow off my wood piles.
  4. Hope sturgill Simpson comes to the area I think he's the best of the bunch.. I've seen blackberry smoke with government mule. Encore was Warren Haynes and the dude from blackberry smoke doing "can't you see". It rocked...
  5. Excellent voice. Crowd was a little sketchy. Hill folk from the backwoods of Connecticut.
  6. I hate when people do that it cheapens the photo. Doesn't look real anymore.
  7. That's called your average month around these parts.
  8. . We will have to watch a wave of low pressure off this mid Atlantic coast, but thinking much of the rain may stay to our south through the bulk of the weekend. If by South they mean Taunton then they're probably right.
  9. Boston has had just about double the rain they had last year .
  10. 2.58 in southborough and 1.73 in sherborn. Worst year ever.
  11. He has trust issues. Probably something from childhood.
  12. Just a hair under an inch and three quarters and coming down decently.
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