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Posts posted by kdxken

  1. 21 minutes ago, powderfreak said:

    Radar is a lot more bark than bite.

    0.04" here, enough to wet the ground.  Looking at the PWS around NY/New England, so far it's 0.0-0.10" for most, largely under 0.05" despite a green radar.

    The stuff in E.NY is starting to add a slight bit of water but the first half of radar echoes with this line looks like mostly virga.


    Yeah just sprinkles here. Not complaining. The drier the better.

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  2. 15 minutes ago, dendrite said:

    No idea, but it's the same price as Feb when my furnace shit the bed and I was getting oil for $3.30/gal.

    That's great I would lock in. If one source of fuel is way cheaper than another it doesn't take long for water to find its level.

  3. 30 minutes ago, HIPPYVALLEY said:

    Maple, Ash and Oak with some Black Locust mixed in.  He cut and split it in April so I'm hoping it's good to go by Thanksgiving.  I still have a little under a cord left over from last season.

    Should be good with the Maple and Ash. If the black locust is from mature trees you also might be okay. The oak will likely take all the BTUs just to burn it.



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  4. 1 minute ago, HIPPYVALLEY said:

    Yeah, I know him through a friend.  It's been down for a while but just recently cut and split.   Last year it was ready to burn by October. 

    Doesn't matter if it's been down. Doesn't start drying until you cut  and split. What kind of wood?

  5. 20 minutes ago, weatherwiz said:

    They are regular sparrows. 

    Don't think it's cats. Don't see any cats roaming around. One thought is there is a nest which isn't terribly high up off the ground (7-8 feet at most) and some animal is getting into the nest. But the dead birds for the most part have been well away from the nest. 

    Cats #1 Threat to Birds

    Predation by domestic cats is the number-one direct, human-caused threat to birds in the United States and Canada. In the United States alone, outdoor cats kill approximately 2.4 billion birds every year.

  6. 43 minutes ago, weatherwiz said:

    Has anyone been noticing dead birds in their yards recently? I know there was the issue last year with birds, but I just found another dead bird in my girlfriend's yard and this is the 6th or 7th dead bird over the past 6 weeks. They have been a mixture of babies and non-babies and some have even been missing heads. Not sure if some animal is getting them or not but it's a bit concerning. My girlfriend said she noticed 3 last year too. She does have a dog but we know it's not the dog b/c we watch him outside. I just called animal control and left a message. 

    Probably cats

  7. 4 minutes ago, RUNNAWAYICEBERG said:

    I’m loving these low dew warm days with cool nights that have dominated the past several weeks though. Keep that coming. I’ll take a hot stretch in July to do some beach stuff with the fam but other than that, I have no use for SA infested cloudy weekday mornings with torrential downpours in the evening. 

    Serious question, not a troll , this has to be one of the nicest springs we've had in a long long time?

    • Like 3
  8. 1 hour ago, HoarfrostHubb said:



    16 hours ago, TauntonBlizzard2013 said:

    I had to remove a dead snapping turtle at work last that was hit by a car. The thing was MASSIVE. Biggest one I’ve ever seen by far. Had to have been 40+ pounds 

    I moved two off the road this week. Thankfully still alive.

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