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Posts posted by osfan24

  1. Might have been a mix of wet flakes and rain but it wasn't heavy enough or obvious enough to say for sure. I was really surprised to get under a couple of those yellow bands on radar this morning and all I really saw was very light rain/snow/drizzle. I figured I'd get some kind of heavyish mix or a burst of snow. Odd, but fitting.

  2. 8 minutes ago, Terpeast said:

    If NYC-CT got a 30+ inch storm like the ukie depicted, I wouldn’t be upset about that. I actually would be very excited because if they can get that, we can, too. We just need minor 100-200 mile adjustments in a global wave pattern that are more likely to come to fruition in a bona fide nino. 

    If they got that, It would literally be the worst possible ending to this wretched season/stretch of bad winters. Although I guess it would be wishful thinking that it's the ending to our stretch of bad winters. Seems like this is never gonna flip.

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  3. The thing around the 20th can definitely still work here. It's more that we keep doing what we've done all year, which is keep pushing all the threats back out past that 7+ day window. This time seems different, or maybe I'm just an idiot and Lucy is pulling the football again. This is the first time I really believed in anything since December, but my patience is being tested for sure. Seems like within the next week or so, we will know whether we have something or we can just move on.

  4. Just now, Maestrobjwa said:

    Well, IF things continue like this in the coming years, I think we're gonna have to learn to be okay with this. I mean seriously--for our own mental/spiritual health! I mean yes we don't know everything about the future (only what the trend has been up to this date), but if this is coming/gonna get worse...we have to learn to be okay with it--I mean we have no choice, lol.

    It may not be worth getting upset about (or even giving too much thought to)...otherwise we'll be living in a dread of "terrifying" trends and such creating the illusion of some objectively bad thing coming that isn't really objectively bad.

    My guess is if, say, a decade from now, snow chances are where they are now or worse...we would have gotten used to that reality (by force--because literally nothing would've happened, and things could be worse by then!). We all love snow--but maybe our reality in the future is more of this, I don't know. But it may soon be time to kinda distance ourselves y'all, lol 

    I mean unless you love tracking weather just to track weather (and to each their own), if you're tracking for snow? It may not be worth it, seriously. I mean we'll see...but I've already kinda been preparing for that reality. With you-know-what being a potential cause!

    Be ok with what? If this is the new base state, we will just have to shut down the forum. There won't be anything to track but once a decade or so when all of the stars align.

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