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Posts posted by Fozz

  1. It was exactly a year ago that the snow really got going.......I dropped my siblings off at their martial arts lesson Friday evening, and then decided to drive north just as the snow started to stick on the roads. There was probably 1-2" of snow at that point. It was a very wintry scene, slowly getting darker, and I kept driving north on York Road until I was up around Sparks, MD at Ensor Mill Road. Then I turned back, picked them up and got back home.

  2. The thread said "whatever else" so...

    I'm sorry, but "snowmageddon" and "snowpocalypse" are the two cheesiest names ever.

    Superstorm, Blizzard of 96, PDII, all great, but these two.....

    If it's good enough for Obama, it is good enough for us. Half a century from now I'll be telling my grandchildren about a blizzard so huge that they called it Snowmageddon.

  3. Going off vague memory: PDII wasn't really hyped cause it seemed like it sort of snuck up on the TV mets. It happened on Sunday as well. I remember even the Friday before they were going with forecasts of like 6 to 10 or so. It wasn't till the storm was on our door step where forecasts raised to 1 to 2 feet or more from what I remember.

    Dec. 19 also didn't really fully take shape on the models for here till like 48 hours before-hand. Once it did, however, there was a fair amount of hype.

    And the Feb. 6 snowmaggeden was certainly hyped. But many people now get their weather info from the Internet or other sources so the TV mets can now be somewhat marginalized when a big storm is approaching.

    If you ask me, some DC METS downplayed Feb. 6 a little too much until it was clear looking at the radar it wasn't going to be a miss.

    Most on this board could tell 4 or 5 days out it was going to be a huge storm with up to 2 feet possible -- even national weather service issued a watch like 3 days ahead of time - but the TV mets here were a tad more cautious. Still, by about Wednesday for a storm starting on Friday, everyone in town knew the big one was coming.

    Yeah, it seems like none of these examples were hyped in the media 5 days out as the STORM OF THE CENTURY or any of that crap. Therefore March 2001 probably had a permanent impact in the way that huge storms are presented to the public.

    As for Snowmageddon, based on what I recall, a lot of TV mets seemed to be modest until the day before the storm, calling for about a foot of snow or merely "significant snow". Then around Thursday or Friday many of them finally concluded that this was another historic event.

  4. Don't forget there was not nearly as much nowcasting available to most back then. Was the Internet even widely used back in 2001. Maybe barely, but don't think it was even close to being in every home, and certainly not many had high speed.

    I remember in Baltimore/Washington, if I recall correctly, the storm was suppose to start Sunday. On Friday, there was mega media hype on Friday afternoon/evening newscasts. I distinctly remember them talking about a storm that was going to stall basically south of Long Island and then retrograde back to the South. I think the forecast was for 1 to 2 feet, with mentions it could be more than that.

    But once the Friday 11 p.m. newscast was over, you had to wait the entire way till the Saturday 6 p.m. newscast to get much info, beside the weather channel. And, if you missed the Saturday news for whatever reason, you would have thought the forecast was a huge bust when you woke up Sunday...

    Ever since March 2001, has any storm been hyped as much as that one, around the DC Baltimore area?

    In other words, were PDII, 12/19, or Snowmageddon hyped as much prior to the storm as March 2001, or did the local media permanently tone everything down?

  5. I know a lot of people don't want me to bring this particular storm up but what really happen that made this storm one of the biggest forecast busts in recent memory?? Also, what happen if everything did come together.. Anyone care to chime in?

    Thanks guys.

    I think at one point, central NC was expected to get hit hard. Afterwards, it was supposed to be a HECS with 20-30"+ from DC to Boston, then it kept trending north over time, and until the very end NYC was expected to get a big hit.

    Instead all the heavy snow was in the interior northeast, I believe.

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