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Everything posted by BBasile

  1. Ended with 2.8 inches and trace of ice. Now it's all melting. This storm is almost identical to the one before it. And before that. And that. And that.
  2. Precip has changed to liquid here. Very light drizzle/mist. Should be fun with the temp still at 30.
  3. Dumping in Gloucester County right now under these 35 dbz returns. Temp up to 28.
  4. Moderate snow now. Looks to be around a half inch so far. 26.5F / Dp 24
  5. Snow has started and already have a coating on everything. 26.8F / Dp 23
  6. lol. Thought that a bird might have clogged it up, but I checked the Weatherlink map for other stations measuring nothing and there are quite a few. Plus, there's the fact that barely any snow has melted and we've had quite a bit of rain here. Would hate to have to shovel anything right now.
  7. Nothing but boring old rain here which can't even melt the snow. None of it is being measured by my weather station. Rain bucket must have an ice/slush dam. Temp at 33.9.
  8. Yes, it is. RGB gets addicting. The keyboard, led strips, and RAM are all Corsair, so they're all synced. Corsair only makes a mouse pad, not a desk pad, so got this pad from Amazon for around 30 dollars, I think. Not bad. Definitely way off topic.
  9. A lot worse than snow. lol A buddy of mine is into fish tanks. Way too much maintenance for me. I would definitely kill all the fish. lol So, you also like all the expensive hobbies, I see. haha
  10. lol. Well, if you want a couple hobbies that keep you busy and interested, computers and weather are it. They never stop changing!
  11. Ah, gotcha. I'm on a gaming rig that I don't game with, so no troubles there. lol. I like the idea of having the program mobile, though. Like a better Radarscope. Here's me during weather, all geeked out. Haha
  12. Why a new machine for Analyst? For me it was. It's almost necessary for weather geeks. lol Here's an example of GR2Analyst with the volumetric mode. It's nice to have for detecting hail cores and updrafts in thunderstorms, plus you can use level 2 data. I think it's like 3 times the price of GRLevel3, though.
  13. Well, my board had 0.8" at 930 AM, now it might have a quarter inch of slush in the center. It's melting fast.
  14. It's currently cloudy with some lingering flurries, temp is below freezing, and yet the snow is still melting. The sun is kickin'!
  15. Up to 3.1".....29.6F Just need 0.3" more to make this the biggest snowfall of the season.
  16. Thanks! Curious to see what has fallen to the south of me, the Vineland/Bridgeton area. Looks like the snow hasn't really slowed down there all night.
  17. Currently at 60.4, down a bit from the high of 61.2! Didn't this happen last year around the same time with the brutal cold followed by April warmth?
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