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King James

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Everything posted by King James

  1. Been loving the energy you’re bringing to this thread
  2. Chicago crew cancelling storms that just miss them is one of my favorite parts of this sub.
  3. March 8th 1998? One of my favorite storms of all time. Went to bed with no snow, woke up with cement plastered everywhere. Was quite a sight and a lot of fun to play in
  4. Dude was catching up on this thread, saw that map, and was going to try and tag you to say “brutal.” Like ALEK says, it’s going to be a beautiful spring around here with the trees
  5. 2 days out and every map you guys post looks wildly different. From a novice observer it seems the models get worse every year. *Feels* like storms used to be nailed down much sooner even just 5 years ago
  6. Was hoping we could add on to our whopping 4 inch total for the season but looks like we may escape this winter with less than a half of foot total of snow. Spring can’t come soon enough
  7. I’m done with winter but one of my favorite snowstorms of all time went down March 8th, so I guess I’m in on this one. I’m south of Alek so should be good
  8. Just had a nice flash of lightning followed by a decent rumble. Usually stuff flying NE from me ends up your way. Spring isn’t far away brother and soon we jump ahead on the clocks. Home stretch
  9. Not soon enough. Bless these men in this thread still talking winter weather
  10. Driving into work I was daydreaming about thunderstorms. I’m ready for the season
  11. Fine by me. Nothing left to salvage anyway. Here is to hoping Morch is only 3 weeks away
  12. Special weather statement suggest we may see a quick hitting inch+ over the course of 90 minutes. Better than nothing
  13. Say what you want but waking up to snow still falling just before sun up is the best time for snow. That feeling of running to the window to check and see how much we got is still going strong after 38 years
  14. I was up at 245 with the dogs and already was coming down pretty good and the grass was covered. We did it!
  15. “A localized "minima" in snow amounts and impacts may materialize between both bands near I-80 or the Kankakee River Valley.” Will there be enough to cover the grass out this way? Hasn’t happened yet this winter. Heading into Feb and still haven’t been able to cover the leaves and grass. Just one big prolonged November
  16. Going to WFH Wednesday and final call is 4.3inches here in the IKK
  17. I am, south of Chicago. And I did mention the cold. And then the mud as well
  18. I’ve been at my new place for 5 years now so I have a pretty clear demarcation in my mind when it comes to weather. These last 5 years I’d describe the winters as “late fall weather”. A lot of clouds, drizzle, 2 day freezes, wind, and the temp around 33 degrees…and if it does snow it melts fast and makes everything super muddy. Just constantly feel like I’m stuck in late November. Really it’s miserable when I think about it. I’ve probably had to shovel less than 10 times since I have been in the new house. Still waiting on a memorable winter out here.
  19. Just had a wind gust that felt like it jolted the house here in IKK
  20. I’m sure continued tax increases will do the trick Not sure I’d call this a winter storm but definitely has that frigid look outside. WGN weather app has my “feels like” at -40. Worried about my chickens out back
  21. Let’s go! Going to be wild for a bit around here dude. Hopefully you don’t have to be on the roads
  22. Sounds like LOT was considering going with a blizzard warning for my area here in rural IKK along the IN border. Upped the totals to 3-6 and I’m liking the higher end of things. Final call 5.5 inches and a ton of wind
  23. Couple years ago when I first moved out to the middle of nowhere you sent me pictures of massive drifts out by you. Still waiting for that kind of event out by me
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