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King James

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Everything posted by King James

  1. Drinking coffee and radar watching, it really did, sorry man. Looks impressive out in other parts of IA. Wondering if that line is going to get going west of Rockford to Mount Carroll
  2. Heavy heavy downpour and wind here in Momence IL. Nothing on radar Wild weather -edit; small blip showing on radar now. Much much more impressive than what radar shows If that small blip is any indication, it’s going to rain HARD when it does rain
  3. After a beautiful start to the day, back into the 60s and cloudy. As is tradition
  4. Just a novice but it's looking like a lot of rain is coming for north of 80 as well based on the radar
  5. Corn is growing fast. Maybe other members will chime in but there are a few fields that look like they might make it knee high by the 4th.
  6. 3rd straight day of low clouds/haze/fog and a damp chill
  7. Been a low haze/fog with this chill for a couple days now. Yesterday evening was very noticeable
  8. Lol I’m glad someone more experienced asked because that’s the only question I had. I kept trying to see if MO could stand for something other than Missouri
  9. My man, recently bought a home with a pool. We opened it the 24th of May. My wife has floated around, I haven't even bothered. The frustration is running deep. Nothing worse than a pool you cannot swim in
  10. Friend in Lakeview Chicago said there is heavy fog by him
  11. So this smoke made it all the way to North Carolina and the United Kingdom? I call shenanigans
  12. Noticing something is UP as well aren’t you
  13. Awesome light show with those cells to my north
  14. I got drizzle here in the 60954. Broke apart right over us
  15. Midlothian IL. Hit about 3 minutes ago. Sirens. Brother didn’t go downstairs. Don’t think anything is OTG currently. Said it’s a nasty storm though
  16. Would have to believe the warm front is through the Kankakee area, right? Suns out and getting humid. Had some drizzle maybe 30 minutes ago.
  17. Just let my buddy in Naperville know a big one is about to roll through
  18. Stay safe boys and good luck! I look to be close to ground zero. Grilling in the backyard. I’ll grab some pics if anything pops.
  19. Full sun to start the day near IKK. Let’s go!
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