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King James

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Everything posted by King James

  1. Grass/leaves being totally covered is the hurdle I’m still looking to clear this winter
  2. Listen to you guys bragging about how you have snow to watch melt. Bunch of fat cats
  3. An hour after it went up the defo fell apart, wasn’t even close
  4. Just talking about the skid mark in the toilet bowl at this point
  5. I’ll take it considering I was never in the game until today
  6. Wind is really whipping around, at least feels like a storm out there
  7. I can get you a pic of the flooded Kankakee. If that doesn’t get your winter storm juices flowing I don’t know what will
  8. Don’t tell me I’m waking up to an A-L-E-K bust
  9. Very windy here today near IKK. Wind is howling around the house
  10. I’m going to post the ugliest pics of my muddy backyard
  11. Not the main event but a co-worker just called me in the Cal City/Lansing/South burbs of Chicago and said there are many many spinouts and accidents right now and the roads are about as bad as he's ever seen them. Not sure what's causing this but I figure this is a good place to let someone know.
  12. First watch of 2020 is a flood watch for me. Such is life.
  13. Locally that’s the best run yet for my area. Skilldog has nothing but rain for me atm
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