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About NittanyWx

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  1. The winner ended up being that merritt/287/91/84 box after all. The loser is me for bitching out about it last night after the HRRR. Shoulda stuck with original call.
  2. 9:30 am - Wilton, CT 31/30 5" Even accumulation Kicking myself for biting on the Euro/HRRR last night up north.
  3. As far as the Euro/HRRR goes, this is one of the worst performances inside 36 hours I can remember.
  4. It was mentioned several times that this would occur. The accumulations for this storm will likely double on non-paved surfaces.
  5. Impressive stuff up in orange. This has been one of the weirder 24 hours leading into a storm in my career. Raising the totals for city and Island was right to do, but biting on the N/W sharp cutoff as a function of near term trends was not.
  6. 4-8" looks good for most (obviously less up by 84 and just north), again with the pavement caveat in urban areas and NYC. No need to fight the southerly trend this late. The returns in Tennessee weren't great this afternoon and think the trend south is a response to that.
  7. Was on the phone with my old boss this morning, told him 6" in that north shore snow zone is probably reasonable top end. But it's a snow board 6", i think a lot of 2-4", 2-5" readings mostly on grass
  8. Think you can go in the middle of the two ranges and be fine. This storm is very juicy, but very marginal too. Snow board will do better than 'on ground' It won't look or feel like 3-6" for a bunch of folks in the city (more than manhattan too, brooklyn et al).
  9. Coastal marginal temps/mixing keep things at bay accumulation wise. it'll look nice for a period, you'll get some accumulation on grassy surfaces, but a lot of it will feel 'wasted'. It's still better than what it looked like a couple of days ago. This is game on north of the merritt/287.
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