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ABE 6 inch storms


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Here's the list... again like PHL, I used 2-days (calendar days) as the cut-off, so for any storms which extended further may not be represented properly.  I can add them though.  Also note that the early period of record, 1920s and 1930s, is COOP data, so it may be a bit low, and I used unofficial numbers for a couple storms in 1999 and 2000.

1922-1923														1923-1924	6	2/20/1924	12	4/2/1924										1924-1925	20.2	1/2-3/1925	6.8	1/27-28/1925										1925-1926	10.6	2/4-5/1926												1926-1927	7.8	2/19-20/1927												1927-1928	12	1/28-29/1928	7	3/10/1928										1928-1929	7	2/20-21/1929												1929-1930	8.5	1/18-19/1930												1930-1931														1931-1932														1932-1933	8	2/11/1933												1933-1934	7	12/26-27/1933	9	2/26-27/1934										1934-1935	6	1/23-24/1935												1935-1936	12	1/19-20/1936	7.5	2/8-9/1936	8.2	2/13-14/1936								1936-1937	10	3/15-16/1937												1937-1938														1938-1939	8	11/25/1938	7	11/27/1938	Missing 1939									1939-1940	Missing													1940-1941	Missing													1941-1942	Missing													1942-1943	Missing													1943-1944	Missing 1943		7.2	3/11-12/1944	6	3/19-20/1944								1944-1945	10.4	1/15-16/1945												1945-1946	9.2	12/19-20/1945	8.7	2/19-20/1946										1946-1947	12.3	2/20-21/1947												1947-1948	6.7	1/12-13/1948	8.4	1/24-25/1948	8.6	2/22/1948								1948-1949	8.4	12/19/1948												1949-1950														1950-1951														1951-1952														1952-1953														1953-1954	6.3	11/6-7/1953	7.8	1/11-12/1954										1954-1955														1955-1956	10	3/18-19/1956												1956-1957	7.8	1/31-2/1/1957												1957-1958	15.8	2/15-16/1958	10.2	3/13-14/1958	19.9	3/19-20/1958								1958-1959	8.1	3/11-12/1959												1959-1960	14.2	3/3-4/1960												1960-1961	10.3	12/11-12/1960	16	1/19-20/1961	17.3	2/3-4/1961								1961-1962	8.1	12/23-24/1961												1962-1963	7.4	1/26-27/1963												1963-1964	13.4	1/12-13/1964	13.2	2/18-19/1964										1964-1965	6.3	1/10/1965												1965-1966	9.6	1/22-23/1966	11.5	1/29-30/1966	9.8	2/24-25/1966								1966-1967	7.6	12/13-14/1966	6.5	12/20-21/1966	13.3	12/24-25/1966	13	2/6-7/1967	6.1	3/5-6/1967				1967-1968														1968-1969	6.4	11/12/1968	7.1	3/2/1969										1969-1970	13	12/25-26/1969	10.2	3/29/1970										1970-1971	7.8	1/1/1971	6.5	3/3-4/1971										1971-1972	6.1	11/24-25/1971	8.9	2/18-19/1972										1972-1973														1973-1974	6.2	12/16-17/1973	6	1/9-10/1974										1974-1975														1975-1976	6.6	3/9/1976												1976-1977														1977-1978	11.4	1/19-20/1978	13.4	2/6-7/1978										1978-1979	6.3	2/7-8/1979	12.1	2/19/1979										1979-1980	6.2	3/13-14/1980												1980-1981	6.1	3/5/1981												1981-1982	6.2	12/14-15/1981	11.4	4/6/1982										1982-1983	8.6	1/15-16/1983	25.2	2/11-12/1983										1983-1984	8.1	3/8-9/1984												1984-1985	6.6	2/1-2/1985												1985-1986														1986-1987	6.1	1/1-2/1987	11.1	1/22/1987	6.6	2/22-23/1987								1987-1988	6.9	1/8-9/1988	11.8	1/25-26/1988	8.6	2/11-12/1988								1988-1989														1989-1990														1990-1991	8.8	12/27-28/1990												1991-1992	7.1	3/18-19/1992												1992-1993	17.6	3/13-14/1993												1993-1994	7.4	1/12/1994	12	1/17-18/1994	7.1	1/25-26/1994	9.2	2/8-9/1994	9.8	2/11/1994	8.7	3/2-3/1994		1994-1995	8.4	2/3-4/1995												1995-1996	10.4	12/19-20/1995	25.6	1/7-8/1996	6	1/12-13/1996	6.2	2/2-3/1996						1996-1997														1997-1998														1998-1999	7*	3/14-15/1999*												1999-2000	10*	1/25/2000*	6	1/30-31/2000										2000-2001	7.3	1/20-21/2001	13	2/5/2001	7	2/22/2001								2001-2002														2002-2003	8	12/5/2002	7.2	12/24-25/2002	7.5	2/6-7/2003	20	2/16-17/2003						2003-2004	9	12/5-6/2003	6.6	1/26-27/2004										2004-2005	10.6	1/22-23/2005	10.1	2/28-3/1/2005										2005-2006	9.1	12/9/2005	15.2	2/11-12/2006										2006-2007	7.6	2/13-14/2007	8.5	3/16-17/2007										2007-2008														2008-2009														2009-2010	7.7	2/5-6/2010	17.8	2/9-10/2010	12.4	2/25-26/2010								2010-2011	11.6	1/26-27/2011												2011-2012	6.8	10/29/2011												2012-2013														2013-2014	6.8	12/14-15/2013	7.2	1/2-3/2014	9.3	2/3/2014	19	2/13-14/2014						* = Unofficial	
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Thanks Ray for putting this together. I counted up the storms in the 2 lists (ABE and PHL) first without noticing the different start dates, and had 123 for ABE and 117 for PHL. I thought "that's surprisingly close...". Then I saw that PHL's list started in 1884-85 and ABE's in 1922-23 (duh). So there were 41 in PHL from 1884-85 to 1921-22 which leaves 76 in PHL from 1922-23 compared to ABE's 123. I might not have thought the difference was that great. (My math could be off, in counting them off the screen).


I checked the current annual snowfall for both areas (based on 1980 to 2010), and PHL is 22.7, ABE is 33.9

So PHL has 67% of ABE's annual snowfall, and 61.8% of ABE's 6" or greater snowfalls. There's obviously more parsing that could be done with the data, I didn't compare year by year, or groups of years, but both areas have greater numbers of larger snowfalls grouped around the same years which could be expected...

It confirms what we already "knew" about getting more snow up north, but it's interesting to see it this way.

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What a comparison between phl and abe. Thanks for the info.  What is striking is that when it does snow in philly over 6 ", it snows heavy. It appears Abe gets a lot of 6" snows but when Philly gets a  snow over 6", its a whopper of a storm. Norluns and or banding info for each storm event would be nice to further make comparisons for each storm event.  Was this info used to set the winter storm criteria?

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Was this info used to set the winter storm criteria?

I assembled this independently of Mt. Holly but they could just as easily do it themselves.  They may have a list like it on file in fact, I don't know.  Tony or one of the other mets there would be the ones to ask.  Presumeably some level of knowledge of the differences would go into criteria, but again, I don't know if a specific listing like this was used.  Criteria at ABE and PHL has been the same (6" and 4" respectively) for as long as I can remember, but that's not all that long.

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I have been travelling this week but will go back and do a like comparison of the data for ABE and Chesco for the period.....

Thanks Ray for putting this together. I counted up the storms in the 2 lists (ABE and PHL) first without noticing the different start dates, and had 123 for ABE and 117 for PHL. I thought "that's surprisingly close...". Then I saw that PHL's list started in 1884-85 and ABE's in 1922-23 (duh). So there were 41 in PHL from 1884-85 to 1921-22 which leaves 76 in PHL from 1922-23 compared to ABE's 123. I might not have thought the difference was that great. (My math could be off, in counting them off the screen).


I checked the current annual snowfall for both areas (based on 1980 to 2010), and PHL is 22.7, ABE is 33.9

So PHL has 67% of ABE's annual snowfall, and 61.8% of ABE's 6" or greater snowfalls. There's obviously more parsing that could be done with the data, I didn't compare year by year, or groups of years, but both areas have greater numbers of larger snowfalls grouped around the same years which could be expected...

It confirms what we already "knew" about getting more snow up north, but it's interesting to see it this way.

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So I went back and summarized and it is almost a dead heat between ABE and the NW Philly burbs of Chester County

Here is the breakdown for 6" plus snowstorms from 1922-23 through present


ABE - 123 storms of 6" or greater

Chester County - 119 storms of 6" or greater

PHL - 76 storms of 6" or greater

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So I went back and summarized and it is almost a dead heat between ABE and the NW Philly burbs of Chester County

Here is the breakdown for 6" plus snowstorms from 1922-23 through present


ABE - 123 storms of 6" or greater

Chester County - 119 storms of 6" or greater

PHL - 76 storms of 6" or greater


Yah...pretty close...any chance you could do a list with dates???

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I bet the south mountain/reading prong hills just south of Allentown have well over 130 in the same time period.  Off the top of my head they are missing at least 6 storms in just the last 20 years.  (where we had 6+ and they didn't)  I've never really seen them get more than us, perhaps the same or a smidge more in some storms, but none to my recollection that put them at 6" where we didn't have 6".  Most storms on there we had a little more.  (and COUNTLESS times between 1"-5" were they got either nothing or a coating)

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What a comparison between phl and abe. Thanks for the info.  What is striking is that when it does snow in philly over 6 ", it snows heavy. It appears Abe gets a lot of 6" snows but when Philly gets a  snow over 6", its a whopper of a storm. Norluns and or banding info for each storm event would be nice to further make comparisons for each storm event.  Was this info used to set the winter storm criteria?

After todays event, I am thoroughly convinced that PHI and ABE absolutely need to switch their winter storm storm criteria for accumulations. Another one that has fit the pattern where PHI get 11 and ABE gets 5. It is much harder for ABE to break 6 in- 

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After todays event, I am thoroughly convinced that PHI and ABE absolutely need to switch their winter storm storm criteria for accumulations. Another one that has fit the pattern where PHI get 11 and ABE gets 5. It is much harder for ABE to break 6 in- 

That's only been since about 2006 though.  The only constant is CHANGE ;)  (historically it is easier for ABE to break 6", let alone the south mountain area!)  We've had a lot of cold storms the last decade, just wait until the pattern switches back to coastal huggers and inland runners.  (1994 for instance....) 

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