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Everything posted by tim123

  1. Think you may be a big winner in county. Snowing nicely in walworth inch down since 6pm
  2. They change these every 20 min. Always was a wnw to nw flow. They always do this.
  3. Pretty stout precip for lake effect on euro. That would be 4 to 6 inches tonight into tomorrow.
  4. They love forecasting storms moving west. If this was going to be a snowstorm they wouldn't even have a hwo out yet
  5. Huron and gb are gushing. Very strong response. Probally due to recent warmth on surface of lakes.
  6. Advisories should be up for entire south shore. Could see this event drop 4 to locally 8 inches.
  7. Lake snow looks kinda robust on meso models. Niagara to Oswego 4 to 10 inches.
  8. Calm nights radiational cooling draing cold from upper Genesee Valley into lower Genesee Valley.
  9. This cold has been impressive past month. Getting old with the single digits obove and below. Give me normal with lows in teens with more snow.
  10. Even with the upgrades and gfs is better than it used to be. It still has a tendency to catch big storms in long range to loose them in midrange.
  11. Go get your shine box piddle pants. Now go get back on your moms teet and ask for more bitty. Guy ladouche
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