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Posts posted by wishcast_hater

  1. So you think the 70s and 80s represent the real local climate and the kids think that the 00's and 10's do.  Both are looking at this too narrowly.

    Your supposition sounds like that of modern day journalists putting words in my mouth that were never uttered. I never made that claim at all, I merely stated that many on this forum never experienced years of horrible winters.

    Recorded history is a spec compared all of history and to make assumptions on that limited span of time can be viewed by some to be narrow as well.

    • Weenie 1
  2. This is most of the 70's.80's and 90's. I think the youngsters on the board think the climate of NYC is the period from 2000-2017. It's not. 12 inch plus snowstorms became common. IN the 70's, 80's you'd be happy for 4 inches. That would be a lot.

    I lived through it, that’s why I find the remarks on this board hilarious regarding our current situation.

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  3. 5 minutes ago, bluewave said:

    Yeah, NYC now has a 10 year average around 40° in December. It only took 30 years for us to get what used to be normal for DC in the 1990s. So we are becoming more like the Midatlantic.

    Monthly Mean Avg Temperature for Washington Area, DC (ThreadEx)
    Click column heading to sort ascending, click again to sort descending.
    Mean 40.2 40.2
    2000 31.8 31.8
    1999 42.0 42.0
    1998 44.4 44.4
    1997 41.0 41.0
    1996 43.0 43.0
    1995 35.6 35.6
    1994 44.2 44.2
    1993 38.1 38.1
    1992 39.6 39.6
    1991 42.3 42.3


    Monthly Mean Avg Temperature for NY CITY CENTRAL PARK, NY
    Click column heading to sort ascending, click again to sort descending.
    Mean 40.6 40.6
    2021 43.8 43.8
    2020 39.2 39.2
    2019 38.3 38.3
    2018 40.1 40.1
    2017 35.0 35.0
    2016 38.3 38.3
    2015 50.8 50.8
    2014 40.5 40.5
    2013 38.5 38.5
    2012 41.5 41.5


    Yes - but why isn't the heat island effect taken into account?  We have more buildings, concrete, blacktop, vehicles and solar panels than ever before - all which absorb and release heat and way less grass, trees and open unpaved areas. So while it is indeed warmer its also deceptive.  If I take my house and spray foam the entire structure and then use the same amount of BTU's to heat it as before my average indoor temperature will have increased. I have read many articles over the years about improper placement of thermometers which violate the "good practices" set forth by NWS. So with all that in mind as well as the 30 year average being used its really a no brainer as to why its warmer. 


  4. How is 30 Year an average?  Its dishonest as its not a true representation of the entire data set. That's like my kid telling me he got a 90 average but failed to include his spanish grade where he got a 40. I realize that the post actually does say 30 years but on TV or Radio that disclaimer is not included.

    • Thanks 1
  5. It’s very simplistic. CO2 is a greenhouse gas. And we are putting said gas into the atmosphere at an unnatural rate. The end 

    Nothing is simple. We live in an extraordinarily complex eco system. Trees convert our CO2 into oxygen, volcanoes output more CO2 than decades of what our cars emit. The past was warmer than the present and cars weren’t around. It’s not simple at all.

  6. I think with climate change we might also be seeing a feedback effect, so with time the changes become more and more apparent.
    So an analogy might be like....if steroids weren't banned, players would keep hitting more and more HR.....so McGwire with 70 and then Bonds with 73 and then a few years later someone else would hit 80, then 85, etc.

    Climate change.

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