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Posts posted by KamuSnow

  1. 14 hours ago, Hurricane Agnes said:

    Yup. Me and my sisters would pile on one sled if the rope of one of the others broke. Those sleds are expensive as hell nowadays.  Looked on Amazon and they are like $75... And the wonderful Radio Flyer red wagons are now @ $88 :yikes:.  Ahhh well...  I remember actually having wooden kiddy skis too. They strapped onto your boots and came with wooden poles. That was wild.

    It was a chilly 41 here this morning and currently at 57 (which is my high so far) with not a cloud in the sky!

    I had a pair of those skis, maybe a slightly later version, the poles were aluminum. Got pretty good at walking with skis on thanks to those. The first time I went to an actual ski place I took those, some friends took me to Elk Mountain. When you can first see how high the mountain is, I was like are you serious? Lol....I'm pretty sure I wound up renting skis and boots that day.


  2. 11 hours ago, JTA66 said:

    Wow! Wee Willie Webber and Flexible Flyers -- you guys are really stirring up some old memories. I still have my Flexible Flyer. I've often considered putting out as a Christmas decoration but I'm afraid someone might walk off with it. Still, it's a shame it's done nothing more than sit in the garage all these years. (Great, now I feel compelled to go looking for it.) 

    Don't forget to wax those runners! Although you'll probably need to sand off the rust first, lol.

  3. 12 hours ago, Hurricane Agnes said:

    Wee Willie Webber (but 6'5" tall).  LOL  True story but he and my father had the same cardiologist.  But he was fortunate enough to live another 35 or so years longer than my dad!  What a Philly icon.

    At least you plunged into powdery snow. :P We couldn't use our little sledding street when there was powdery stuff. It had to be somewhere in the 8:1 ratio at some point during the snowfall to get it packed down enough to sled on (as well as having a few cars drive down the street and create compressed tracks). And when it was optimum, that meant the plow wall was like a glacier but the sled ride was perfect.  Otherwise the sled rails were scraping asphalt. :lol:

    If your plowed mound had been the wet stuff, that might have totaled your car (especially nowadays with the "crumple zone" thing they do with cars).

    Flexible Flyer! Great on hard packed snow too, after a warm up with some rain and then refreezing. We'd make a sled train by hooking your feet into the front of the sled behind you. Good stuff, lol.

    Sorry about your dad passing at a relatively young age :-(

    The low here was 36.3,  currently 40.3.

  4. 1 hour ago, Hurricane Agnes said:

    OMG I remember those "farm reports" on TV real early in the morning.  That and Jack LaLanne.  First shows of the morning after the stations had been off the air all night. lol

    A few houses down from where I lived, there was a 1-way street on a hill that intersected my street (a main thoroughfare). It was not too steep but had a pretty decent grade... It would occasionally have the snow (whatever snow we managed to eek out back then) packed down just right to be perfect for sledding.  Only thing is, since they usually plowed my street, the plowed mounds would be spread across that intersection at the bottom of its hill, so if you sledded down the hill and didn't roll off at the bottom fast enough, WHAM!! right into the plowed mound. :lmao:

    As an obs - it has really been an unsettled day all day long.  Mostly cloudy through the day although the sun did come out multiple times for a few extended periods.  Have looked at the radar with scattered rain all around me but most of it evaporated over the hills as it moved west towards the city.  I finally got a little light rain within the past hour - enough to wet the sidewalk and streets but not enough to tip the bucket yet.  Currently 55 and mostly cloudy. High for the day so far was 56 with a low of 46 this morning.

    Lol...was it Bill Weber who had Elmo deliver the forecast? I drove through a freshly plowed mound left by a plow going through a cross street right near the end of the 1st President's day blizzard that had to be 3 or 4 feet high. Fortunately I was going downhill at a reasonable speed and the snow was dry. I didn't see it until too late but went right through it and left an outline of my car, lol.

  5. 5 hours ago, Birds~69 said:

    Growing up our front lawn had a nice "sledding hill" which was great Dec-Feb. We abused it into wet snow sloppy March where going up/down the hill screwed up the lawn big time. Dad was pissed...sledding on the hill canceled.

    Made me think of an episode when I was around 9 or 10, it was January, and raining on a Sunday, but supposed to change to snow that night. So with my 2 younger brothers we decided it would be cool to get up around 3 am, take our sleeping bags and camp out under a rectangular trampoline we had leaned up against the garage. We did, and it did snow, about 4 to 6 inches, but it was too cold so we decided to do some sledding on a hill next to our house. We came in around 5 or 5:30 and were watching some kind of farm report waiting for school closing info when Mom came downstairs. We were like oh we just came down early to see if we had school. Except the snow on the hill was totally trampled, which you could see once it got light out, lol. Fortunately we didn't have school, since we had been awake since 2 am.

  6. 2 hours ago, Hurricane Agnes said:

    Wow.  So that is really the famous spot for the snow pile?  :D  Amazing drainage work done too.  That'll get some workout this weekend.  There looks to be a warm up the first week of November (at least to bring temps closer to normal) so that will help the other grass.

    As an obs, it got up to 51 yesterday after a low of 36.  Currently 37 here & overcast.

    Thanks - this has been a tough fall for dirt work and seeding, first too hot, then too wet, then too cool. Makes it interesting though! Low here was 35F, currently 38. Gonna be a cloudy cool day...hope we get one of these in 2 or 3 months with the temps about 15 degrees cooler. Like those Friday night snows....

  7. Life's little pleasures - this hill was all dirt 3 weeks ago. Seeded it 20 days ago and now it's ready for a snow pile :). On the other hand, an area I seeded 10 days ago is just now starting to show a little fuzz. A little too chilly for germination with these temperatures, so I'm hoping for an Indian Summer in November....snowpilehill_102518.thumb.jpg.555c641bb2b8fb497f2a9037a4151c7e.jpg

  8. 15 minutes ago, Hurricane Agnes said:

    Confirmed frost on the car just after sunrise.  Still currently 35 here and turned the heat on this morning for the first time this season.

    Years ago I put a new boiler in our 1st house and October 19th was the day we turned the heat on. Over the years that date has been pretty consistent give or take, although here ours has been on since Tuesday.

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