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Everything posted by J.C.

  1. Mean SREF Plume for ATL is 1.37" and looks to follow that trend right up I-85 to 1.71" at GSP.
  2. I can't believe the GFS is still such an outlier at this time frame.
  3. I also feel really bad for the slopes in NC, although this is a great weekend for them, its been a struggle for a few years now. The end of this month may just do them in.
  4. The SER is a different beast now, it is part of the bigger climate change. I need some palm trees....
  5. I will say temps are going down faster here than I thought, not that matters at this point.
  6. Should have been a redflag when forecasted temps warmed so much for the rest of the weekend through Tuesday.
  7. We will definitely be seeing everything bloom in a few weeks with the weather coming.
  8. Well if we can't get anything here, I hope the bullseye are the slopes in the mountains.
  9. How far out did the models pick up the 93 superstorm?
  10. Thanks for pointing that out. Always appreciate your insight to this area.
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