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Everything posted by YetAnotherRDUGuy

  1. At least we don't have to worry about someone mentioning the sun angle this time of year.
  2. That's what I get for asking this in the sanitarium. Howzibout I says with the sheer amount of QPF some models are spitting out, this thing has more potential than other storms to be historic (somewhere..). Also, this is gonna be a long week tracking this.
  3. Who thinks this could be one of those historical storms we mention years from now?? Like 02/14, or Carolina Crusher, or Jan 96, or '93, or '88, etc...
  4. As of 5pm, Danville had 5.96'' for the day. (I figure let's round that out to 6'') I know there was a Tornado Warning for Rockingham County(NC) earlier, but I haven't heard any damage reports. Yet.
  5. I hate it for Danville. I'm sure they weren't expecting this (why would they?). I lived there for a year back in the mid 90's, and the town was struggling back then. I'm sure it hasn't gotten better, and this event will only make things worse.
  6. I've heard that even if you've ignored a user, if someone quotes a post from that same user, it will still show for you. Not sure if that's what is happening for you or not.
  7. Interesting, indeed. My 1st thought is this might be due to the angle of approach of Atlantic landfalling storms. The majority are typically going more N or NNE than W at landfall, and as a result, rarely get enough inland to cause significant impacts to upstate SC. (Hugo being the exception of course) And then you have gulf landfalling storms, which always have to contend with the eastern flow once they go inland. So the chances of the center going over the upstate are probably better (statistically) for a gulf storm than an atlantic storm. On another note, I really liked your post and how it gave another viewpoint that wasn't condescending or combative in any way. Some of us around here could learn from that.
  8. Sigh. Main tropical thread has a couple of cat 2 truthers causing a ruckus. ( and one of them is ours) Can you imagine if these weather forums existed back during some real 'classic' storms? Then you'd get to read stuff like "Hugo was overblown--buoy data showed borderline cat 1/2 intensity at landfall".
  9. Agreed. A gulf landfalling storm potentially causing TS winds around these parts is a scenario I never even thought of. Whatever happens, we'll likely remember tracking this one for a looong time.
  10. Chatham County is not in a TS warning, but Durham County is. (which is NE of Chatham) I have a feeling that TS warnings will be extended towards the NW piedmont by tomorrow anyway which will render this distinction mute. But it still seems a bit odd geographically...
  11. How many times have we had a panhandle landfall maintain Tropical Storm status as it exits off the NC coast (which right now is around Corolla)? The only way that can happen is when a cyclone is truckin' fast (which is exactly what it's forecast to do). Shoot, this thing is currently forecast to maintain tropical system status across 4 states. It would only take a slight shift west for it to exit off the VA coast. (might as well go for 5 states....right?)
  12. So this storm is over right? I know, I know. The river flooding effects will still be felt later this week. But I'm talking about the actual friggin' storm itself. It's out of here???? I'm going to wake up tomorrow, and there won't be any wind or rain. It will be just a normal day in September?
  13. Actually, rain has really picked up in the past 30 minutes. Gonna be one of those nights.
  14. I'm a bit too N to make a true Raleigh observation. But I've got WRAL on right now, and they say it's the rain is coming down fairly steady. At my place on the Wake/Durham line, we've got gusting winds, but not coming down in buckets at the moment.
  15. So for the 1st time, RAH is able to issue Tropical forecast products. You know those overhead signs on interstates that warn you of Amber alerts or traffic delays up ahead? In the winter, they often say if we're under a Winter Storm Warning or not. Well today my friends, the one I saw on 540 said "Tropical Storm Warning in effect". I've never lived in a place that was under one of THOSE, and I unexpectantly felt a rush of weather geek giddiness as a result. On another note, I finally went to the local Harris Teeter to get supplies. Every place in the Triangle was ransacked by Tues night. Luckily, my store (and I expect others in the area) had a fresh new supply of bread, deli meats, chips, milk, etc. Some supplies were noticeably gone (especially water), but I was surprised at how much they did have. I estimate about half of the gas stations around here don't have gas. (or half do have gas--depending on how you look at things) But that is much better than the last two days where I saw lines that would back up and cause some slight traffic jams. I actually filled my tank up on Sunday night thinking the gas CRAZINESS would happen later in the week. I was right that it would happen, but was surprised that the gas lines started on Mon/Tues. I give myself points for being proactive on filling the gas tank on Sunday, but deduct points for not getting supplies on the same day. I got lucky that my local HT got resupplied before the storm hit. Work is closed tomorrow, but I gots to remote in. (at least until I lose power) Anybody feel like we've been tracking this storm for months???
  16. I don't know man. Looks like Elizabeth City was pretty close to what was forecasted!
  17. I feel bad for some of you jokers that get paid to forecast this. I think Florence is trolling all of us.
  18. Tell her it's about as wide as the state of SC.
  19. On another note, I keep looking at these insane rain totals and thinking lessee if 10:1 ratio, that would be how many inches?
  20. If he's been thru other hurricanes, and he's 5 miles inland, I'd just let him stay. Even with this one being potentially stronger, he already knows what he's getting himself into right? Also, don't be surprised if some of your family changes their mind at the last moment.
  21. That moron % might be a bit conservative. To be honest, I'm enjoying reading the SE Florence thread more than the 'main' one. (although I am following both)
  22. Honestly, I think it's too early to say what roads would be like 10 days from now.
  23. If I had to pick a track that would bring the highest impact to the most people in NC, it would be that one. An initial shot of hurricane sustained winds right into Triad, and splitting the uprights of Charlotte and RDU. Not to mention the potential for a stalled cyclone meandering for days. I will not speculate on the potential impact of that scenario, but will focus on the fact we are still a few days out, and hoping something changes in regards to track/intensity.
  24. I hear you. It's definitely not a typical approach angle, and that has me a bit more concerned than usual. I'm starting to get real "Fran" vibe when considering the possible impact from this. But then again--that was only 115 at LF. Sheesh. We can't rule out a Hugo intensity at LF at the moment.
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