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Everything posted by YetAnotherRDUGuy

  1. Admittedly, that's a pretty ominous forecast. The only silver lining I can think of is that it's 5 days out instead of 2...
  2. Random thoughts on Florence 5+ days to potential LF: 1) With a few notable exceptions, these hurricanes ALWAYS seem to trend towards a more northward landfall as the storm gets closer to shore. Today the NC/SC border is in the bullseye, but tomorrow morning it might be Wilmington. And then Cape Lookout. And then Hatteras... 2) NHC has a possible cat 4 upon landfall, which is quite a rare event in the Carolinas (only Hazel and Hugo have done this I believe). Perhaps something will come up as it gets closer that could hinder development that we can't see at the moment? Like perhaps a nicely time ERC, or unexpected strong sheer coming up before LF that isn't modeled right now? 3) is this loop idea something we should actually be considering as possible? I recall some models flirted with this idea for Matthew, but we know that didn't happen. Both Diana and Dennis went stationary at one point and did loops, but those are the only two I know of. 4) Dat GFS run had some biblical qpf totals. I don't want to even consider that scenario being a possibility.
  3. I swear, I feel like every day around here has been at least 85% humidity since late May. I can't go outside without sweating like I'm in a Super Mario Bros lava level. This summer, I feel like I somehow moved from Raleigh to Tallahassee. (okay--so what if I'm exaggerating? It's still been hot as $%#)
  4. You jest. But according to Wikipedia, Flagstaff averages 100 inches of snowfall a friggin' year. (of which I had no idea it would be this much) Imagine how much it would be if above average? Yea. It's time to look for job openings in the area...
  5. Winter Weather Advisories are up on the Gulf Coast. From TX all the way to near Pensacola. (but not quite IN Pensacola) I'm starting to think Mobile, AL might outperform some of us for this event. (snicker)
  6. Yep. When Wilkes county gets mentioned as much as Wake in the storm thread, you know something's up.
  7. I think this was the best .5'' snow I've ever had. I'm not even kidding. Most of the time in the SE if you get only that much, it only accumulates on your car and some grassy areas, and you end up with a slushy/muddy mess that doesn't look all that pretty. With how cold it was, this stuff stuck to EVERYTHING. I'm not even sure if it melted on the pavement all that much. Solid.
  8. Consensus in storm thread starting to build demanding that ColdRain lower his snow shields. Who's got the pitchforks??
  9. If Fishel ever retires, I'm not sure what some of us would discuss instead.
  10. Are you a bama fan or SC fan? Goodness almighty---Clemson got manhandled tonight.
  11. I'm starting to think Clemson's chances of coming back are the same chances of this latest storm trending further towards central SC/NC.
  12. That is insane. I didn't realize any river around here could freeze on the surface like this, much less in Dec?? Seems even more crazy this didn't happen later in Jan or Feb.
  13. Yea it was marginally better. I bet the 00z Zulu will be a miss. But we all know it tends to lose the storm at days 5-7 anyway.
  14. Phases too late. Jackpots Wilmington. We just get virga. But you should see what it does around day 7!
  15. I admit we account for quite a bit of the posts in here, but technically it looks like we can thank one of our Virginia posters for this thread's existence.
  16. That would be a first. Then maybe people would be snow chasing to Waycross! Lolz. I'm glad you posted it. Sometimes we need the equivalent of a sobering smack in the face in order to set expectations.
  17. This might be one of the most depressing snowfall maps I've ever seen posted on these boards.
  18. Maybe we should all pitch in $20 to buy a decent snow machine. Then we can take turns sharing it. Course then we’d endlessly fight on who gets to use it and when. But still--might be the best chance for some of us to get snow with this pattern!
  19. Sigh. That looks so beautiful! You know what? Me taking the bait was worth it just to see this image. The fact it was taken in early/mid December makes it oh so sweet!
  20. I'm still snickering at the term "apps rubber", like a friggin teenager.
  21. Almost as funny as this one. Just outside of High Point...
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