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Everything posted by TauntonBlizzard2013

  1. I think the “ days and days” thing is just a fetish for a lot of folks. If anyone still believes you need a long duration event for big totals, they just need to look at just about every high end event we’ve had in the last 5-6 years as evidence that their position is wrong.
  2. I’m not holding my breathe for the weekend deal. That has interior written all over it.
  3. We lucked out.... or I lucked out.... bob and Matt similar... but I think I may even have had a bit more than them.... every mile counted in this event. juuuuuuuust far away from The water
  4. Looks like the slot might be short lived here
  5. Off to bed... day full of plowing the turf at the college tomorrow... guessing there will be about 8-10” Of mashed potatoes out there
  6. If it were like a degree or two cooler we probably would have put up a 20 spot here
  7. I’m honestly not sure I’ve ever seen snow this wet.... my snowblower was throwing it like 3 feet
  8. Guy who plows my street just got struck for like 5 mins... this stuff is like molasses. 8” give of take and ripping
  9. We got stuck under the heavy heavies for a while here... saved the event
  10. Looks like we have about an hour left before we slot
  11. I snapped a couple screenshots on my ring, I’ll throw them up tomorrow... have to resize lol
  12. Puking snow... an inch since I came in 20 mins ago.
  13. Just went out to snowblow... my lord. 6-7” of absolute cement and it’s coming down hard... got an inch in the 25 minutes I was out there.
  14. Heaviest snow of the event right now. Wow
  15. What do you think about that stuff down by the vineyard.... we smoked?
  16. Yeah... it briefly flipped here.... but we’re back to paste and the temp has actually dropped.
  17. Man, If that stuff curling in from The vineyard can make it here... we could do okay after all
  18. Wow.... it feels much colder outside... pounding paste... 5”
  19. Temp has dropped to 32 and it’s pouring snow currently
  20. Hrrr still wants to drop another 3-5” here Afer 7p. Its actually accumulating decently right now
  21. Dumping snow at the moment.... looks like 3-4”
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