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Everything posted by schoeppeya

  1. https://services.aap.org/en/pages/2019-novel-coronavirus-covid-19-infections/children-and-covid-19-state-level-data-report/ kids make up 8-18% of total testing done across 11 states (including some big population ones). Definitely more than “barely any”.
  2. https://www.cidrap.umn.edu/news-perspective/2020/12/kids-likely-not-driving-household-covid-19-outbreaks https://www.google.com/amp/s/api.nationalgeographic.com/distribution/public/amp/science/article/we-now-know-how-much-children-spread-coronavirus “almost all coronavirus transmission came from adults to children”
  3. I added a video. You should watch it.
  4. https://www.google.com/amp/s/elearningindustry.com/how-remote-learning-causing-uptick-in-online-cheating/amp https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.teenvogue.com/story/cheating-remote-learning-chegg-slader/amp https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.wsj.com/amp/articles/cheating-in-online-school-some-students-and-parents-say-its-ok-11608645609 I can keep going. The video nails it.
  5. My wife’s brother is 14. His mom has caught him multiple times getting homework from the internet or from friends who got it off the internet. His excuse? That’s what all his friends are doing. They think remote learning is a joke. He goes to an otherwise very rigorous private school that at one point required an hour or two of homework every night. I don’t why it is that way or what it says about society, but it is happening and I’m not just pulling that out of my ass. Motivation to succeed/fear of failure are two sides of the same coin in my opinion.
  6. Good lord dude googling answers to an assignment doesn’t make you a juvenile delinquent, it makes you a kid who’d rather be playing Xbox than doing homework
  7. Not doing well in school has real life consequences. Kids should know that, and that it’s important to care of about your future.
  8. And I am of the belief that remote learning takes that small percentage of kids who don't want to learn anything and turns it into a big percentage. The fear of not doing well in school keeps a lot of kids engaged-take that away and there's no reason to stay engaged.
  9. If you are going at least not acknowledge that it is significantly harder to cheat in person than online or remote classes then you’re not having this conversation in good faith. ADDITIONALLY, online learning is SIGNIFICANTLY less difficult in my experience, both in the work itself and how that work is graded.
  10. I think you have a serious disconnect between what you think goes on at school and at home vs what really happens at school and at home. And we are probably at the point where we will just have to agree to disagree on this.
  11. You're missing the point. Cheating=not learning. I think "kids education is suffering from at home learning" is pretty high on that list.
  12. If you're relying on integrity to get a 15-18 year old to do school work vs literally almost anything else in the world.... you're in trouble. Hey look we agree on something!!
  13. Well as of 8 months ago it took me about a quarter of the workload and time to get an A online as it did attending in person.
  14. Listen I am not arguing that there aren't kids who benefit from online classes, but its a whole lot easier to get a higher grade while putting in less work from remote learning and that's a fact. I even agree with you that standardized testing is malarkey (and that's coming from an above average standardized test taker), but there still has to be some kind of merit based system where not everyone gets an A because everyone knows how to use google.
  15. As someone who is young enough to have taken online classes-it's because online classes and virtual learning is easier, and easier to cheat (you can google answers, even for math problems).
  16. This is such a good conversation to be having. There are so many consequences to having kids staying home from school that almost exclusively effect people without enough money to pay for arrangements for their kids.
  17. What is your justification for high school kids staying home?
  18. People keep pushing that narrative despite repeated studies that kids, in general, don't contribute a lot to the spread (unless something new has come out in the last month or two). I am not sure why people want kids to stay home so badly, it is terrible for them and makes people's lives very difficult.
  19. Hopefully most of us will be vaccinated in the next few months
  20. Gotcha. Not denying the possibility of a deadlier variation of the virus, but wonder if that could be contributing to what we are seeing in Brazil. It’s definitely gotten out of control one way or another. edit:https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7291160/ quick search turned this up. Underestimation of cases is what they attribute it to.
  21. Were there ever any explanations for why places where cases numbers exploded the fatality rate exploded as well (Italy/NYC last spring)? Was it just the overall decrease in effective health care?
  22. You disagree with the WHO statement that you shouldn't wear a mask while doing physical activities?
  23. Agree 100% with you here. Just curious because I have a coworker whose kids play their rec league basketball in masks... would rather them just not play myself.
  24. Random side discussion-any of you guys (or gals) have kids that play sports wearing masks?
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