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Posts posted by hstorm

  1. 59 minutes ago, pazzo83 said:

    Dulles is definitely starting to develop some sort of UHI as that area continues to grow.

    The freeze warning was def a bit excessive for the more urban locations in and around DC - DCA only got down to 41 which was also my low in Tenleytown.

    I think the best explanation for last night's IAD low is that they kept a decent southerly breeze until ~5am.

  2. 48 minutes ago, nj2va said:

    What? Those drivers were reckless and speeding. The lack of accountability these days is astounding. 

    Maybe they were, maybe they weren't.  This one video is not conclusive.  It certainly is not enough to suggest a crime.  We should wait to see what all the evidence shows before drawing any conclusions.

    The one conclusion we can draw is that -- at a minimum -- this was a terrible and likely avoidable tragedy.

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  3. 1 minute ago, nw baltimore wx said:

    I deduced that from the article I read. 


    Right, but there is no basis for the article's statement.  I'm sure that investigators can figure out the speed of each vehicle, and it's entirely possible that they were speeding, but the article appears to be just drawing the conclusion from the fact that the two cars are going faster than the others.  That alone, however, doesn't support the conclusion.

  4. 1 hour ago, nw baltimore wx said:

    Yes, but they were both driving recklessly.

    I don't think you can conclude that from the video because you don't see anything leading up to the crash.  My best distillation of the video is that the gray car was merging into the left-most lane to pass the minivan.  The white car was in its blindspot.  Gray car driver kept merging (because they didn't see the white car) and clipped the front of the white car, causing the gray car to flip.  Both cars may have been speeding, but can't tell that from the video (they are going faster than the other cars, but we don't know the speed of any car, etc.).  Plus, speeding alone -- unless truly excessive -- can't support a vehicular manslaughter charge.

  5. 2 hours ago, pazzo83 said:

    DC has an issue where there is no reciprocity with VA and MD, so camera tickets you get in DC don't do anything to your points if you are a MD or VA driver.  And DC doesn't have the resources to boot/tow every car with this level of violations (it's an ongoing discussion here).  The frustrating thing here is that most of these insane levels of violations are from out-of-state drivers where DC has limited resources to go after them.

    You don't get points for camera tickets anywhere, insofar as I am aware.  It's done that way to avoid disputes over who was driving the car (which is almost impossible to prove for a camera ticket).

  6. 6 minutes ago, mdhokie said:

    "clipped a car" I see tons of terrible lane changes every day. People in a big hurry and weaving through traffic. She needs to be charged but I won't hold my breath. For some reason driving like an idiot is a badge of honor in this country. Its not just bad driving. Drunk drivers get a slaps on the wrist until they kill someone, and even then they might not make it to jail. 

    Remember this one? Ex-Bishop who struck and killed cyclist released from prison (wmar2news.com) She served a couple years for MURDER! You go shoot and kill someone and see how many years you get. 

    Sorry, terrible driving and the lack of responsibility and repercussions is a sore subject for me. 

    Vehicular manslaughter requires proof of gross negligence by the driver.  That's a tough standard that goes far beyond bad driving (it essentially requires a knowing disregard for a risk to human life).  While we certainly don't know all of the facts, I'm skeptical that gross negligence could be shown in this case.  

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  7. 5 hours ago, mattie g said:

    Summer swim is truly in full swing now!

    We had our Team rep meeting this past Sunday where we went over administrative stuff (including the votes on changes to the bylaws and all that boring stuff) and found out which divisions we're going to be in. We moved up one division, which is pretty much what we figured...and it's a good place for us!

    Bummer is that we found out that one of our top swimmers is going to a different poll this summer. She's killed it this winter and is moving to stay with her club coach in the summer. Pretty disappointing, but whatever. And then we found out last night that our top family is moving soon :(. They're staying on the team for at least this summer, but man...what a kick in the nuts. As a small team, we just can't handle blows like that, so the "recruitment" of new families in the nearby neighborhoods is going into full effect!

    That stinks and is one reason why I am glad that we have no other pools near us.  Little risk of kids being poached or heading to a different pool.  (On the flip side, we have a significant waitlist, so hard to bring in new kids.)


    22 minutes ago, Terpeast said:

    My car thermometer usually has a warm bias, but it read 48 this morning. 

    IAD went down to 55, and a local weather station nearest me in Ashburn said 54. 

    We had 50.2 in Great Falls, so your car’s 48 seems reasonable. 

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