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Posts posted by mimillman

  1. 8 minutes ago, King James said:

    For sure. I think this sub overall felt they jumped the gun and RC alluded to LOT getting pulled into the fray due to other offices wanting to coordinate 


    I just think it’s objectively fair to say that the alarm was sounded too early 


    I appreciate all the Mets who drop in and give us their expert opinions. Can’t win them all 



    Yes, I appreciate RC’s context that they were pulled in early. Not a comfortable position to be in but I could see why some CWAs, perhaps less acquainted to these types of systems, wanted to get an early warning out to the public.

  2. 9 minutes ago, SchaumburgStormer said:

    Well that was fun. Multi-season final 48hr trend will not be denied. 

    I will take my 2-4 and enjoy the white Chris over the usual warm and brown turd sandwich we are typically served. 

    I think ratios will pull out 3-6” but splitting hairs.

    Might as well just go with that for my final call across LOT CWA.

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